Full text: Abstracts (Part 6)

9. Derenyi, E.E. 
Remote sensors which operate outside the visible spectral region employ scanning techniques to collect the 
reflected or emitted energy from objects with extended dimensions. When such sensors are mounted in 
airborne vehicles the scanning in flight direction is induced by the forward motion of the vehicle, whereby the 
visual reconstruction of the sensed energy becomes a continuous strip image. Stereoscopic coverage can be 
gained with such imaging devices by sidelapping flight lines, by two sensors arranged in a convergent manner, 
or by a special dual channel sensor package. 
Due to the continuous nature of the recording, the variation in the attitude, altitude and velocity of the airborne 
vehicle introduce displacements of the image points with continuously changing magnitude and direction. 
Therefore, the photogrammetric evaluation of dynamic imageries is a difficult task and one cannot expect to 
obtain a strict and exact solution for the exterior orientation. Two schemes are suggested to facilitate the 
restitution of dynamic imageries: 
1. Line-by-Line Orientation. In this method two lines of corresponding points which extend perpendicular- 
ly to flight direction are oriented relatively. The procedure is repeated at regular intervals along the strip 
and thus a series of line models are formed. These models are unified by harmonic interpolation or 
polynomial functions into a strip model and then the absolute orientation is performed. 
2 Section-by-Section Orientation. In this scheme a small portion of the strip is treated as a unit in the 
relative orientation. However, as a prerequisite, one must introduce an assumption about the changes 
in the exterior orientation elements within a section to facilitate the orientation. An advantage of this 
method over the previous one, is that model coordinates of a portion of the strip are readily 
The mathematical formulation and an error analysis for both schemes are presented in the paper, and 
suggestions are made for the photogrammetric evaluation of dynamic imagery on the Analytical Plotter 
10. Dé6hler, M. 
Germany (F.R.G.) 
Working Group 2 was established in 1966. Its aim is to set up general principles (standard tests) for routine 
tests to check the operating status of photogrammetric instruments. 
At the Lausanne Congress in 1968, already the first results of the Working Group had been submitted. An 
invited paper [1] had been prepared to give a general introduction. In addition, several presented papers 
[2]...[12] dealt with the following test methods in detail: 
l Static geometric tests for analog restitution instruments; 
2. Static-geometric tests for mono- and stereo-comparators; 
3. Dynamic-geometric tests for stereoplotters; 
4 Tests for the digital data output of photogrammetric instruments. 
In the resolution of Commission II there was stated **Continuation of WG II/2 ‘standard tests' and approval 
of the proposals ** preliminary standard tests of ISP". 
WG II/2 continued with its activity after a necessary reconstitution in 1969. On the activities of WG II/2 is 
reported briefly in this invited paper. The elaborated test procedures are described in separate papers [13]...[18]. 
They include extensions and improvements of test procedures listed above under 1. and 2. For these test 
procedures, additional computer programs have been developed. For rectifiers, orthoprojectors and coordina- 
tographs, new test procedures are described. The report deals furthermore with problems on the application 
of the standard tests and gives a survey of an investigation simulating stereoplotters by analytical methods. 

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