should be supported by two further observa-
tions: ;
1. the low cost of orthophotography allows for
frequent improvements
2. orthophotography guarantees a close contact
between photointerpretation used in various
special fields and geographical localization.
Mr. H. Belzner (F.R.G.) reported that Commission
D of OEEPE was preparing a new project for the
revision of maps made at the scale of 1:25000.
One of the areas to be covered by this project
was a comparison of the techniques of stereo-
restitution with orthophotography.
Mr. J. Kure (Netherlands) pointed out that a com-
parison of the results obtained from orthophoto-
interpretation and linemap interpretation is not
fair as the quality of orthophotos is inferior to
that of original photos. Consequently, the use of
original photos should be sufficient, if interpre-
tation is required when working with orthophotos.
Dr. M. Zolfaghari (Iran) asked what the future of
orthophotography would be in relation with clas-
sical photogrammetry on the basis of the ex-
periments presented by Dr. Ackermann.
Dr. Ackermann answered by saying that a satis-
factory result can be obtained only if the scale
between the orthophotograph and the original
photo does not exceed 2.
Mr. O. Johansson (Sweden) participated in the
discussion by reporting that an economic map
of Sweden had been made on the basis of
orthophotos at a scale of 1:10000 produced from
original photos at a scale of 1:30000, and with
very good results. Orthophotography had been
combined with intensive complementary work
carried out in the terrain.
Author: Mr. G. Agarwal (India)
Title: Accuracy of spot Heights and De-
termination of Minimum Contour In-
terval for Plotting PP IV/01
Presented by Colonel M. Datta (In-
Thursday, July 15, 1976, from 9.00 to 10.30
Session 3 of Commission IV
Topic: Checking and Up-Dating Topo-
graphic Maps
Chairman: — Mr. G. Ducher (France)
This session was dedicated to reports on the
activities of WG IV/4 "Checking of Topographic
Maps” and WG IV/2 ”Up-Dating of Topographic
Working Group Papers
Author: Mr. D. Crémont (France)
Title: Checking of Topographic Maps
Mr. Crémont presented the main conclusions
that had been reached in the course of the in-
vestigation conducted by him. He regretted that
the answers received had been insufficient.
With regard to the inscription of classification
codes on documents, indicating their accuracy
and contents, it was suggested that an interna-
tional committee be established to study the
The other problems involved in the said investi-
gations concerned the nature of checking and
checkers and the costs of the operations required.
The costs varied between 396 and 2096.
Then Mr. Crémont mentioned the research work
carried out by Mr. Pichlick (Czechoslovakia) and
the experiments made with the Pe&ny polygon.
He then reported on the experiments made at
I.G.N. with the basic maps (1:25000 and 1:5000),
describing the checking method used, and gave
some of the results obtained.
It was recommended that the same photography
be used as that for the mapping itself (or a photo-
graphy at the same scale and following the same
flight plan). Nevertheless, Dr. B. Dubuisson (Fran-
ce) pointed out that in this case the errors of the
photography are not taken into account. The
costs should vary between 8% and 10% of the
total costs of the mapping process.
Author: Dr. G. Birardi (Italy)
Title: Revision of Topographic Maps WGR
Dr. Birardi presented a report on the activities
of his Working Group, which concentrates
its efforts on the study of the up-dating of topo-
graphic maps. He listed the conclusions reached
on the basis of a study of the answers given to
the questionnaire on up-dating and concerning
all aspects of the problem.
In the course of the general discussion that
followed, Dr. K. Szangolies (G.D.R.) said it seemed
that Dr. Birardi's appeal to the manufacturers of
instruments specially designed for up-dating
purposes had been heard. He added that this
was true of Zeiss Jena, in particular, which
brought forth the Topoflex.
Then Mr. E. Huber (Switzerland) reminded the
audience that only a part of the information
required for the up-dating of maps could be
obtained by photogrammetric means, and that a
number of operations was required for the trans-
formation of this information.
To close up with, there was an exchange of ideas
on the role of orthophotography in relation with
linemaps and their up-dating.
Thursday, July 15, 1976, from 10.45 to 12.15
Session 4of Commission IV
Topic: Revision
Chairman: Dr.G. Birardi (Italy)
Panel Discussion
Topic: Revision
Moderator: Dr. G. Birardi (Italy)
Panelists: Dr. F. Doyle (U.S.A)
Mrs. E. Fleming (Canada)
Mr. M. Thompson (U.S.A.)
Mr. D. Glendinning (Australia)
Mr. G. Ducher (France)
Mr. L. van Zuylen (Netherlands)
Dr. B. Dubuisson (France)
Dr. S. Dequal (Italy)
Mr. H. Yzerman (Switzerland)
Mr. G. Hardy (U.K.)
Mr. Ducher led off by describing the procedures
for revision of basic topographic maps (1:25000)