Full text: Proceedings (Part 1)

Author: Mr. R. Meyer (G.D.R.) 
Title: Eine Uberweitwinkel-Messkammer 
für die Architektur-Photogrammetrie 
PP V/35 
Authors: Dr. H. Kager (Austria) 
Dr. P. Waldháusl (Austria) 
Title: Fassa den vermessung — eine ak- 
tuelle Aufgabe der Ingenieurphoto- 
grammetrie PP V/25 
Finally, Dr. K. Linkwitz (F.R.G.) discussed briefly 
his use of phtogrammetry in checking and moni- 
toring a precast concrete shell construction 
There was no time for a general discussion. 
Tuesday, July 20, 1976, from 14.00 to 15.30 
Session 10 of Commission V 
Topic: Holographic and Moiré Systems and 
Applications in Close-Range Photo- 
Chairman: Dr. M. K. Kurtz (U.S.A.) 
Dr. R. E. Herron (U.S.A.), Secretary of Commission 
V, introduced Dr. Kurtz, the chairman for the 
session, and congratulated him on arranging 
such an outstanding line-up of speakers. 
This tenth session, into which also some spe- 
cialists in coherent optics from Commission | 
had been invited, was devoted to the activities 
of Working Group V/3. The Chairman of the 
Working Group, Dr. Kurtz, reported briefly on the 
activities of the group. 
Working Group Papers 
Author: Dr. M. K. Kurtz (U.S.A.) 
Title: Report of Working Group V/3 "Met- 
rical Aspects of Non-Conventional 
As to the general activities of W.G. 3, Dr. Kurtz 
referred to the Report of Commission V (CR V/01) 
by Dr. Karara and then briefly mentioned several 
international publications on hologrammetry, 
laser techniques, coherent optics in mapping, 
etc., which showed a lively interdiscplinary work 
going on in this field. 
Few direct applications of hologrammetric mea- 
surement techniques have been reported until 
very recently. But it seems that coherent optics 
will soon begin to play a key role in a wide 
variety of non-topographic photogrammetric sys- 
tems in the future. He stressed the necessity 
for photogrammetrists to learn about coherent 
optics and perhaps solid state rectangular arrays 
for detection and readout of data. Also the 
electro-optical specialists should be encouraged 
to learn more about photogrammetry. For this 
purpose appropriate disciplinary courses have 
been suggested in U.S. universities. The same 
idea is lying behind the choice of papers to 
be presented at this session. 
Author: Dr. J. W. C. Gates (U.K.) 
Title: Three-Dimensional Location and 
Measurement by Coherent Optical 
Methods WGP V/11 
Author: Dr. H. Takasaki (Japan) 
Title: Simultaneous All-Around Measure- 
ment of a Living Body by Moiré 
Topography WGP V/12 
Author: Dr. N. Balasubramanian (U.S.A.) 
Title: Comparison of Optical Contouring 
Methods WGP V/10 
After the presentation of this paper by Dr. E. M. 
Mikhail (U.S.A.) Dr. Kurtz thanked him and said 
that the device just described was an instant 
X, Y, Z image digitizer. He thought the use of a 
detector array to intercept the light would be 
applicable in the Moiré area and other techniques 
dealt with in the paper. 
Author: Dr. J.-P. Agnard (Canada) 
Title: Canadian Contribution to  Holo- 
grammetry WGP V/09 
Presented Papers 
Authors: Dr. G. de Closmadeuc (France) 
Mr. B. Turlier 
Mr. D. Laroche 
Title: Restituteur hologrammétrique 
PP V/30 
Dr. Kurtz gave a short summary of the holo- 
grammetric plotter of Dr. de Closmadeuc which 
operates in the similar way as described by 
Dr. Mikhail, but in this paper there is a suggestion 
to extend that technology to measure the real 
image rather than the virtual image, which has been 
under focus in the past. The ability to repeatedly 
position a self-illuminated mark in the 3D-image 
space, which remains in sharp focus to your 
eye at all times, is of great advantage. The use 
of a magnifyer lens just to look through at the 
image, in which case both image and mark are 
enlarged equally, is also giving a greater confi- 
dence in the 3D measurement of holograms. 
Next there were two Presented Papers, both on 
the use of photogrammetric methods in electron 
microscopy. They were highlighted by Dr. S. K. 
Ghosh (U.S.A) and Mrs. Stadnik (U.S.S.R.), 
Authors: Dr. S. K. Ghosh (U.S.A. 
Dr. H. N. Nagaraja (India) 
Title: Distortion in Scanning Electron 
Micrographs PP V/14 
Authors: Dr. V. J. Finkowsky (U.S.S.R.) 
Dr. V. N. Mjelnik (U.S.S.R.) 
Title: Investigation of the Raster Electronic 
Microstereophotogrammetric Survey 
Accuracy PP V/12 
Finally, Dr. Herron commented on the need for 
a continuing dialogue between developers of 
new methods of stereometric sensing and those 
who are engaged in day-to-day problem solving 
in various areas of close-range photogrammetry. 
The meeting was adjourned. 
Thursday, July 22, 1976, from 9.00 to 10.30 
Session 11 of Commission V 
Topic: Industrial Photogrammetry 
Chairman: Dr. T. Oshima (Japan) 

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