Full text: Proceedings (Part 1)

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Working Groups can better represent Latin 
America, Africa and Asia. Dr. Hildebrandt asked 
that the plans for the Commission VII program 
be advertised widely by the delegates. It was 
hoped that there could be more working group 
activity between now and the next Symposium 
and Congress. The next Commission VII Sym- 
posium will most likely be held in Freiburg, Ger- 
4. General Discussion of Technical Program for 
Next Four Years 
Mr. F. Hilwig (Netherlands) proposes that Com- 
mission VII take up a comparative study of 
visual and computer assisted analysis of satellite 
data for natural resource studies with respect 
to accuracy, time and cost. Dr. Hildebrandt had 
received some suggestions for tests of computer 
assisted methods and felt that these might be 
combined with the above. Dr. C. Olson (U.S.A.) 
pointed out that such comparative studies had 
already been carried out by the World Bank and 
contact should be made with them. Similar work 
is also being undertaken under one of the United 
Nations environmental program projects. 
Mr. R. Heller suggests that the working groups be 
organized by discipline with the exception of 
Interpretation Methods. 
Dr. P. Fagundes (Brazil) felt that crop yield pre- 
diction and airborne geophysical exploration 
should be added to the Commission VII activities. 
Dr. A. Fontanel (France) commented that oil and 
mining exploration historically have evolved 
separately and therefore are difficult to fit into 
Dr. L. Sayn-Wittgenstein felt that more attention 
should be given to standardization, especially 
concerning accuracy measures. 
Mr. T. Nguyen (France) asked what became of his 
resolutions. Dr. Sayn-Wittgenstein replied that it 
had been read to this meeting before Mr. 
Nguyen's arrival. 
Dr. A. Fontanel remarked that we should reflect 
on the best means of informing remote sensing 
specialists, who are not now members of I.S.P., 
on the activities and plans of Commission VII. 
Dr. Hildebrandt commented that he would act as 
the Chairman of a selection committee and 
would use the Working Group Chairmen as a 
means for reaching further into the remote 
sensing community. Dr. Sayn-Wittgenstein added 
that the outgoing Secretary will make available 
mailing lists and other contacts established 
during the past four years. 
Dr. S. Ihemadu (Nigeria) asked what practical 
steps Commission VII would take to ensure the 
participation of developing countries. Dr. Hilde- 
brandt replied that he had no certain means 
but would encourage all Commission VII mem- 
bers to try to establish contacts for him and 
that the National Correspondents would be relied 
Friday, July 23, 1976, from 14.00 to 17.00 
Session 9 of Commission VII 
Topic: Interpretation Methods 
Chairman: Dr. L. Sayn-Wittgenstein (Canada) 
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Invited Paper 
Author: Dr. A. Fontanel (France) 
Title: Quelques problémes d’interprétation 
en télédétection /P VII/05 
Panel Discussion 
Topic: Interpretation Methods 
Moderator: Dr. A. Fontanel (France) 
Panelists: Dr. F. Quiel (F.R.G.) 
Mr. L. Graham (U.S.A.) 
Dr. D. Peruzzi (U.S.A.) 
Mr. N. Donker (Netherlands) 
Mr. D. Stellingwerf (Netherlands) 
Dr. O. Radai (Hungary) 
Dr. Quiel presented his paper "A Branched Clas- 
sification System Offering Additional Possibilities 
in Multispectral Data Analysis" PP VII/30. 
Mr. Stellingwerf outlined his work done on the 
use of 1:5000 and 1:10000 photos for estimating 
mean annual growth of forests. Two approaches 
were involved: one based on finding the regres- 
sion relationship of the volume of individual 
trees and corresponding photo measured crown 
diameter; the second based on the linear rela- 
tionship of stand volume with crown closure 
Repeated measurement at five year intervals 
was used to asses growth ("Optimum Ratio of 
Photo-field Plots for Aerial Volume and Aerial 
Volume Growth Regression Construction" PP 
Mr. Graham presented his paper "Landsat-Radar 
Synergism" PP VII/17. Dr. Peruzzi's paper was 
part 2 of the paper given by Dr. Ellefsen (U.S.A.) 
("Land-use Change Detection from Landsat and 
Skylab Satellites” PP VII/11) in the session on 
environmental monitoring. Part 2 dealt with the 
use of Skylab imagery to show changes in land 
use. The change in urban development over a 
four-year period was used to illustrate the ap- 
proach. A matrix approach was used to show 
changes in several land use classes from one 
period to another. 
Dr. Radai summarised his paper Recent Crustal 
Movements Registered by the Aid of Airphoto- 
interpretation” PP VII/31. He told about the use 
of aerial photographs to interpret and detect fault 
lines related to tectonic activities. The informa- 
tion obtained from the photointerpretation could 
then be used to find sites for ground instrumen- 
tation for detecting and predicting earthquakes. 
Mr. Donker discussed the use of principal com- 
ponent analysis.to optimize contrasts and other- 
. Wise improve the accuracy of classification based 
on Landsat data in his paper Analysis of MSS 
Digital Imagery with the Aid of Principal Com- 
ponent Transform" PP VII/0O9. 
Mr. T. Nguyen (France) asked Mr. Stellingwerf if 
tree height had been studied as a variable for 
tree volume prediction. He replied that only 
crown diameter and crown closure were tested. 
Mr. Nguyen asked Dr. Quiel what the cost of 
using Bendix scanners was. He replied that the 
cost was around $100 per hour. 
Dr. S. Schneider (F.R.G.) asked geologists if they 
needed imagery only once or on a repeated basis 
and further asked if too much information was 
already had from Landsat. Dr. Schneider yet 

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