Full text: Proceedings (Part 1)

Application for 
admission by 
National Societies 
of category 
Right to vote 
Authority of 
the Congress 
Scientific activities 
Honory Members 
' Meetings of the 
General Assembly 
International Society for Photogrammetry 
An application from a country in which there exists a National Society for Photogrammetry 
capable of discharging all the duties and obligations of membership should, whenever practi- 
cable, put that society forward as its Adhering Organization or explain why such a course is 
not practicable. 
The Secretary General shall report every application received by him to all the Members and 
shall inform them of the opinion of the Council thereon. He shall declare the result of the 
vote to all Members and to the Organization seeking admission. 
In addition to other criteria that may be taken into consideration the table below gives a useful 
indication of and may help to determine the category to which the candidate should belong. 
Effective members of the National Society, 
or the number of effective Photogrammetrists 
in the country concerned Category 
Less than 26 
26to 50 
51 to 150 
151 to 250 
251 to 400 
401 to 600 
601 to 800 
more than 800 
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Only persons qualified in the following categories may take part in the activities of the Congress: 
a Persons who are associated with a Member Organization and have paid the Congress fee. 
b Honorary Members of the Society. They shall not be required to pay the Congress fee. 
c Persons specially invited by the President either on account of their personal standing or 
as representatives of other scientific organizations. They shall not be required to pay the 
Congress fee. 
d Persons who have received the general invitation and have paid the Congress fee. 
Persons in categories a and b shall have the status of Congressional Member and the right to 
vote on scientific questions. Persons in categories c and d shall have the status of invited 
Congress Participant and shall not have the right to vote. 
Congress meeting in plenary session shall decide the scientific policy of the Society and the 
means by which it is to be achieved. In particular it shall 
— approve or reject the resolutions of the Technical Commissions, 
— examine the proposals on scientific matters put forward by the Technical Commissions and 
take decisions regarding them, 
— witness the award of Medals and other distinctions of the Society, 
— elect the Honorary Members of the Society of whom the total number living shall not 
exceed seven, 
The President shall convene the General Assembly to one or more meetings in the course of 
every Congress. 
In the interval between Congresses the President may convene the General Assembly to an 
extraordinary meeting to discuss a single resolution that has the support of at least two 

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