The Financial Commission shall examine the audited accounts at the striking of every balance
sheet and not less than once a year.
The Financial Commission shall arrange for every outgoing Treasurer to hand over the accounts
and the funds of the Society to his successor in office and shall report to the Council when
this has been satisfactorily accomplished.
. Bank accounts of the Society shall each be held in the names of two persons, namely the Bank accounts
President and the Treasurer.
. The field of Photogrammetry shall be divided into seven fields of major interest and each
field entrusted to a Technical Commission, at present as follows:
—Commission |: Primary Data Acquisition
. Design, construction and calibration of lenses and cameras.
. Properties and processing of photographic materials.
. Characteristics ofnon-photographic sensors.
. Quality, information capacity and geometric characteristics of images.
. Recording of auxiliary metric data.
. Installation of sensors in aircraft, helicopters, spacecraft, etc.
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. Organization of aerial missions.
—Commission ll: Instrumentation -for Data Reduction
1. Design and construction of data reduction instruments: comparators, plotting in-
struments, rectifiers, orthophotoprinters, point marking instruments, etc.
2. Calibration and precision of instruments.
3. Physiological optics and stereoscopic vision.
4. Automation of instruments.
—Commission Ill: Mathematical Analysis of Data
. Mathematical models of various sensor data.
. Perspective bundle, stereopair, strip and block.
. Theory, calculation of adjustments and precision.
Utilization of auxiliary data.
Digital processing of image data.
—Commission IV: Topographic and Cartographic Applications.
Use of numerical, analogue and photographic procedures.
. Utilization of automated procedures.
Compilation and revision of topographic maps.
Maps and plans for cadaster, urban areas, civil engineering, etc.
. Digital terrain models and cartographic data banks.
—Commission V: Non-Topographic Photogrammetry
1. Close-range and micro-range photogrammetry.
2. Photogrammetry at extreme distance. Applications to space and astronomy.
3. Photogrammetry of objects in motion and under deformation.
4. Exploitation of non-conventional photography. Holography.
— Commission VI: Economic, Professional and Educational Aspects of Photogrammetry
1. Organization of photogrammetric establishments: technology, equipment, location,
productivity, contractual arrangements, etc.
2. Technical, professional and continuing education. Retraining. Classification of per-
3. Professional aspects of photogrammetric practice.
4. International exchange of information, documentation, and results of research.
5. Bibliography and terminology.
(6. History of photogrammetry.)