Full text: Proceedings (Part 1)

“The Otto von Gruber Award” 
The Board of the "Foundation I.T. C. Fonds", estab- 
lished on 26th September, 1961, by Dr. Ir. W. Scher- 
merhorn, has decided to make available the funds 
necessary for granting an award. This award, in 
honour of the services to photogrammetry of Otto 
von Gruber and a token of the gratitude of the 
founder of the I.T. C. Fonds, shall be called "The Otto 
von Gruber Award". It shall be awarded once every 
4 years and shall consist of a gold medal and a sum 
of money amounting to a maximum of Dutch Guilders 
The Von Gruber Award shall be subject to the 
following Statutes which have been approved by 
the Board of Governors of the International Training 
Centre for Aerial Survey and by the Board of the 
International Society of Photogrammetry. 
Art. 1 
The qualifications for the Von Gruber Award shall 
a) that the recipient shall have written within 4 
years immediately preceding the Congress at which 
the Award is declared, an article of outstanding 
merit on photogrammetry or photo-interpretation 
which shall have been adjudged by the jury to be 
the best article submitted to them. 
b) that the recipient shall, within the preceding 12 
years, either 
1. have graduated from a recognized university with 
photogrammetry or photo-interpretation as a major 
subject, or 
2. having graduated in other subjects from a uni- 
versity or similar educational institution, have satis- 
factorily completed a post-graduate course in photo- 
grammetry or photo-interpretation at a recognized 
university, technical college or school, or 
3. have graduated from the International Training 
Centre for Aerial Survey at Delft. 
Art. 2 
The jury shall be free to make the Award to the 
author of a published article who has not applied for 
it, provided the article qualifies for the Award in all 
other respects. Furthermore the jury shall be free to 
make no award if they consider no candidate's sub- 
mission of sufficient merit, or to make two Awards 
(but not more) at any one Congress if they consider 
the submissions of two carididates to be of equal 
merit, provided always that on average over the years 
no more Awards are made than congresses take place. 
Art. 3 
That those desirous of being considered for the 
Award shall so inform the Board and present their 
work in quintuple to the President of the |.S.P. not 
less than 6 months before the congress. The article 
may be in any language, provided that, if it is not writ- 
ten in one of the official languages of the I.S.P. (at 
present French, English, German), it shall be trans- 
lated into one of them, at no expense to the |.S.P., 
before being submitted to the President of the l.S.P. 
Art. 4 
The decision of the jury shall be final without any 
possibility of appeal. 
Art. 5 
The selection of the candidates to receive the Award 
shall be made by a jury of assessors composed as 
a) The President for the time being of the 1.S.P. 
who shall exercise his vote only as a casting vote 
in the event of two or more candidates receiving an 
equal number of votes. 
b) Three persons technically well qualified and of 
high standing, one to be nominated by each of the 
following for each occasion upon which the Award 
is made: 
1. The Council of the "Deutsche Gesellschaft für 
2. The Council of the (British) Photogrammetric 
Society which now meets in Burlington House, Lon- 
don, England. 
3. The Dean for the time being of the I.T. C. 
c) In case two of the persons mentioned in b) ex- 
press the wish to increase the number of members of 
the jury, the President and the past President of the 
I.S.P. shall be invited to nominate each an addition- 
al member of the jury who must be of different, but 
not of British or German, nationality. 
Art. 6 
The presentation of the Award and in any case the 
announcement of the name of the winner of this 
Award shall be made by the Secretary General or 
the President at a General Assembly of the congress.

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