Full text: Proceedings (Part 1)

Item 7. (15) Further consideration of Remote 
Sensing Position in Society 
The item concerning Remote Sensing in the 
Society was reopened for further consideration. 
Due attention was given to the resolution and re- 
commendations submitted by the American So- 
ciety of Photogrammetry on December 29, 1975. 
The General Assembly approved the general de- 
finition of photogrammetry as suggested by the 
A.S.P. as: ”The science and technology of ob- 
taining reliable information about physical ob- 
jects and the environment, through the process 
of recording, measuring, and interpreting photo- 
graphic images and patterns of radiant energy”. 
Within this definition, photogrammetry includes 
the acquisition of imagery from conventional 
photographic systems, as well as sensors util- 
izing other portions of the energy spectrum. 
Both the quantitative (metric) and qualitative 
(interpretative) aspects of image analysis are in- 
cluded. Thus modern photogrammetry is consid- 
ered to embrace all the elements of image ac- 
quisition, mensuration, and interpretation which 
have been called Remote Sensing. 
The General Assembly decided to amend Section 
18 of the Bye-Laws to include the general de- 
finition and the major functional areas of photo- 
Item 8. Regional Photogrammetric Institutes 
The General Assembly approved the following 
resolution: "The I.S.P. strongly endorses the es- 
tablishment of regional Photogrammetric Re- 
search Centers and encourages Member Bodies in 
regions where there are not presently such or- 
ganizations to make representation to the ap- 
propriate authorities." 
Item 9. Disposition of the Flag of I.S.P. 
The General Assembly approved the recom- 
mendation of Council that at the closing Plenary 
Session of Congresses, in addition to the out- 
going President transferring the Chain of Office 
to his successor, the Congress Director will hand 
over the I.S.P. flag to the person selected to be 
Director of the next I.S.P. Congress. 
Item 10. Value of Landsat Data 
The General Assembly, with the abstention of 
the Delegates from the Societies of the U.S.S.R., 
Cuba and Democratic Republic of Germany, 
approved the following mention: "The |.S.P. con- 
gratulates the United States of America on its 
successful design, construction, launch and 
operation of Landsats 1 and 2 and expresses its 
appreciation for the wide availability of Landsat 
data to the international scientific community, 
and recommends that satellite programs such as 
Landsat be continued and the data or scientific 
results in so far as is possible be made avail- 
able to the international scientific community.” 
The representative from the National Committee 
of the U.S.S.R. expressed the opinion that the 
resolution should not be accepted in view of the 
discussions on satellite data and, in particular, 
the resolution of ground information. In con- 
sequence that portion of the resolution that re- 
ferred to improving the performance of satellite 
supported imaging systems was referred back to 
Commission VII. 
Aa aA or MIB 
General Assembly in Hall A. 

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