Full text: Proceedings (Part 1)

I.S.P. will have to meet: 
— remote sensing must be given all the room it 
requires not only in Commission VII, but also in 
appropriate Working Groups of the other Tech- 
nical Commissions, in order that remote sensing 
workers feel at home in |.S.P., 
— how to meet the cost of simultaneous trans- 
lations and to keep the three official languages 
is the arduous problem that a Committee, chair- 
ed by Mrs. Savolainen, will study, with col- 
leagues whose vernacular language is none of 
the ISP official ones, 
— development of closer relations with intern- 
ational sister organizations, such as l.C.A., F.I.G. 
and |.G.A., whom the formation of a small co- 
ordinating committee will be suggested. 
Among the aims of 1.S.P., the new President 
— to make photogrammetry and remote sensing 
better known to supranational organizations 
and national governments, 
— to lead |.S.P. action towards help to econ- 
omical development, research of new resources, 
struggle against pollution, preservation of the 
architectural and artistic inheritance of humanity, 
— to stir up the interest in photogrammetry and 
remote sensing everywhere in the world, par- 
ticularly by the insertion of experts from as many 
countries as possible in numerous Working 
Groups formed by the Technical Commissions, 
— to develop close relations with the instru- 
ment makers and to encourage the formation of 
a representation of the whole community of them, 
— to interest in photogrammetry developing 
countries, young scientists and technicians, 
through appropriate actions. 
J. Cruset stated that |.S.P. will be what all photo- 
grammetrists of the world are going to make 
it into. He called for the collaboration and sugges- 
tions from everyone and congratulated Dr. Karl 
Lófstróm, the Congress Committee, the inter- 
preting team and the responsibles of the ac- 
companying persons program for the splendid 
achievement of their work. 
(J. C.) 
Item 9. Address of outgoing Congress Director 
The outgoing Congress Director Dr. h.c. K.G. 
Lófstróm rose to address the Plenary Session. 
Dr. h.c. K.G. Lófstróm: 
| heartily thank you, Mr. President, for your kind 
words to the organizers of this Congress. 
The success of such an undertaking really de- 
pends on thorough planning, individual respon- 
sibility and faithful cooperation. 
Fortunately we could rely upon the three years 
of preparatory work by my energetic predecessor, 
the late Professor Reino Sakari Halonen, and 
have been able to follow the main lines of his 
I, for my part, wish to take this opportunity to 
express my warm gratitude for the excellent 
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Dr. h.c. K. Lófstróm, outgoing Congress Director. 
personal performances, interest and solidarity of 
all members of the staff, beginning with the 
janitors and flaglifters, the distributers of pub- 
lications and secretaries, and of course the 
members of the Congress Committee. 
Here | also wish to make a special mention of 
our three ladies in charge of the most visible 
and important duties. As Congress Secretary, 
Mrs. Aino Savolainen, with her admirable resili- 
ence and organizing ability, as well as her un- 
failing energy and always calm dignity, has suc- 
cessfully managed her Secretariat, our center 
of intensive congress activities these past 
several months. 
Aino, please, accept my warm thanks for your 
successful activity as the "Maternal Manager" 
of the Congress. 
With the same qualities .as Aino, Mrs. Hillevi 
Eranti, responsible for the entertainment of the 
Accompanying Persons, has shown great energy 
and a vivid imagination in making her program 
suit all family members of the participants. It is 
a real pity that Hillevi, because of her illness, is 
not able to be present here now. But, as you 
already heard, we will remember her in some 
other way. 
The mighty burden of some thirty tons of scien- 
tific knowledge has rested on the delicate should- 
ers of Mrs. Pirkko Noukka. Please, Pirkko, stand 
up. Thank you. 
The main role of the organizers has been to build 
up the best possible organization and facilities 
for this meeting. However, the success of the 
whole Congress depends, in the last place, on 
the support and activity of the I.S.P. officials 
and the exhibitors, as well as on the personal 
contributions of all participants. | ask that all of 
you accept our sincere thanks for your good 
cooperation and understanding at every stage 
and on every level of the congress activites. 
Thank you very much. 
| also thank the Council for its very valuable 
support and for all the advice | have received 
from its Members in preparing and carrying out 
the congress arrangements. 

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