Full text: Proceedings (Part 1)

As to my personal feelings concerning the great 
honor bestowed upon me by the 1.S.P., | have now 
dedicated fifty years of my life to our mutual 
"hobby", photogrammetry, working actively for its 
development and application in Finland. In 1927 | 
took part in the compilation of the first airphoto- 
map made of our country. In 1934 |, for the first 
time, came into personal contact with the |.S.P. 
at its Congress in Paris, introducing there the 
Finnish horizon and statoscope method. In 1948 
in the Hague, | was able to show the usefulness 
of this method also for aerotriangulation pur- 
poses. And during the last ten years, | have had 
the pleasure of introducing in Finland cultural, 
industrial, engineering and other special appli- 
cations of photogrammetry. 
In the course of years, this work has brought me 
much pleasure and excitement. But the greatest 
challenge and source of excitement for me has 
been this past year, that is, my activity as Con- 
gress Director and Member of the I.S.P. Council. 
This work and the recognition of the I.S.P. are 
for me the high point of my career. Thank you 
all very much. 
Now | will introduce a new tradition for the Clos- 
ing Ceremony of |.S.P. Congresses. Before giving 
the floor to the incoming Congress Director, | ask 
him to come to the podium to accept the new 
I.S.P. flag that we have seen flying for the first 
time here at the Helsinki Congress. Please, 
Dr. Konecny. : 
First, | should naturally give here some valuable 
hints and advice concerning congress arrange- 
ments. However, it is hardly necessary now that 
you have already gained access to our topmost 
secrets by luring our “Finnish Aino” into the 
I.S.P. Council. 
Furthermore, you know that you are always wel- 
come to Finland, and we will give you all the in- 
formation that might be of some use to you and 
your Congress. 
And now to the flag of the I.S.P. In accordance 
with the decision of the General Assembly to 
close the final Plenary Session of the Congress 
by the transmission of the flag of the I.S.P., | 
will now start this tradition by handing our flag 
to the elected Director of the next Congress 
and hope to see it again at the Congress in Ham- 
Item 10. Address of the incoming Congress 
Dr. Lófstróm then gave the floor to the incoming 
Congress Director. 
Dr. Gottfried Konecny: 
Herr Prásident, Meine Damen und Herren, Liebe 
Finnische Kollegen und Freunde, Hochverehrter 
Doktor Lófstróm. 
Wir, die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Photogram- 
metrie aus der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, über- 
nehmen mit Respekt und mit dankbarer Freude 
diese Fahne und das Emblem der Internationa- 
len Gesellschaft für Photogrammetrie. 
Dr. Gottfried Konecny, incoming Congress Director. 
Der XIII. Kongress der Internationalen Gesell- 
schaft für Photogrammetrie in Helsinki hat in 
so vielen Beziehungen neue Massstábe gesetzt. 
Dazu dürfen wir Ihnen, liebe finnische Kollegen 
und Freunde, herzlich gratulieren. Es wird für uns 
schwierig sein, den Rekord in Bezug auf Ihr Or- 
ganisationstalent und lhre natürliche Herzlich- 
keit zu erreichen. Wir werden uns wáhrend der 
nächsten vier Jahre um so mehr bemühen, dass 
wir Sie am 13. Juli 1980 in Hamburg mit gleicher 
Effektivitát willkommen heissen kónnen. 
I| nous sera difficile de préparer le prochain Con- 
grés avec la méme perfection, de recevoir les 
participants avec la méme cordialité que nos 
hótes finlandais. Nous vous invitons à participer 
au prochain Congrés à Hambourg du 13 au 27 
juillet 1980. Nous ferons tout ce qui nous est 
possible pour vous faire bienvénus. 
It will be very difficult for us in the Federal Re- 
public of Germany to follow in the footsteps 
of our Finnish colleagues in their perfect organ- 
ization and their personal warmth extended to us 
all at this Congress. We will prepare for July 
13th, 1980, and look forward to meeting you again 
Dr. Lófstróm, permit me to add one small personal 
remark. It is a special honor for me to accept this 
flag from you. | am privileged to consider you 
as one of my inspirers in photogrammetry. 
You have inspired me to take up the speciality 
of photogrammetry when | visited you as a 
student in 1953. | greatly appreciate what you 
and your team have done. 
Auf Wiedersehen in Hamburg. 
Item 11. Closing of the final Plenary Session 
and Closing Ceremony 
The Congress Director declared the final Plenary 
Session and Closing Ceremony closed and invit- 
ed everyone present to join him in the lobby 
where they could toast their friends a god'speed.

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