Full text: Proceedings (Part 1)

SRG oem VT 
Mr. Fischer summarized the accomplishments, 
developments, and trends of the Landsat pro- 
gram and reviewed global applications of sensors 
operating in the visible, infrared, and microwave 
portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. The 
great number of applications he reported included 
among other things, cartographic applications, 
discovering of major curvilinear geological struc- 
tures, and environmental monitoring. 
Mr. Fischer pointed out the low unit cost for 
data acquisition by remote sensing. This was 
illustrated by figures showing the growing use 
of Landsat data. In 1973 the income from various 
data products at EROS Data Center was $ 374000 
(Landsat data $ 229000) and the estimated in- 
come 1976 would be $ 2780000 (Landsat data 
$ 1720000). 
Panel Discussion 
Topic: Remote Sensing 
Moderator: Mr. W. A. Fischer (U.S.A.) 
Panelists: Dr. A. P. Colvocoresses (U.S.A.) 
Mr. M. Fuchimoto (Japan) 
Dr. S. G. Gamble (Canada) 
Mr. F. Garcia-Castoneda (Mexico) 
Dr. P. Fagundes (Brazil) 
Dr. O. A. Gerasimova (U.S.S.R.) 
Dr. Colvocoresses reviewed the utilization of 
Landsat data for the production of small-scale 
prototype image maps, map and chart revision, 
thematic maps, hydrographic maps, aeronautical 
charting. He emphasized that Landsat-1 and -2 
has been an experimental program. Landsat-C 
should be designated operational. 
Mr. Fuchimoto told about the geological works 
using Landsat data in Japan. 
Dr. Gamble reviewed the remote sensing activities 
in Canada and discussed its position in I.S.P. 
and consequently the name of the society. 
Mr. Garcia-Castoneda told that they started to 
use space imageries in Mexico 10 years ago. 
Up to now they have used visual methods to 
produce geological and land-use maps, but 
also studied computer-based methods especially 
for agriculture and land-use inventory. 
Dr. Fagundes said that many remote sensing 
projects have been carried out in Brazil. Data 
from various sensors have been utilized in 
coastal studies, geology, forestry to inventore 
coffee crops, soils and land-use. 
Dr Gerasimova compared optical and electronic 
methods to process remote sensing data and 
told about the optical methods used in the 
Friday, July 16, from 14.00 to 15.30 
Session 5 of Commission | 
Topic: Image Quality 
Chairman: Dr. E. P. Welander (Sweden) 
Dr. Welander first explained the principle of the 
OTF Conception. 
Working Group Report 
Authors: Mrs. C. Norton (U 
Dr. G. Brock (U.S.A.) 
Dr. R. Welch (U.S.A.) 
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Title: Optical and Modulation Transfer 
Functions WGR 1/03 
Mrs. Norton, chairman of the WG 1/2 on OTF/MTF, 
pointed out that the Working Group had been 
concerned with updating Section 6 of the "Pro- 
cedures for Calibrating Photogrammetric Cameras 
and Related Optical Tests". Furthermore, the 
status of OTF/MTF standards in various countries 
was included in the Report. 
The Application of MTF techniques in the 
analysis of aerial and space photographs had 
proven to be a reliable evaluation of the quality 
of operational systems when control targets 
were lacking. 
Mrs. Norton then read the updated Section 6. 
The revision included: 
1. updating of paragraphs on lenses, 
2. changing of the numbering system 
3. adding paragraphs on MTF camera testing, and 
4. adding references. 
After a short discussion between Mr. R. Lorenz 
of the I.T.C. (Netherlands). Dr. Welch, Dr. Welander 
and Mrs. Norton, the recommended Section 6 
(see Working Group Report: Optical and Modu- 
lation Tansfer Functions WGR 1/03) was approved. 
Mrs. Norton then dealt with the pupil function 
and the importance of the phase shift on the 
image quality after which she read a proposal 
for a resolution on OTF/MTF. 
Invited Papers 
Author: Dr. R. Welch (U.S.A.) 
Title: Progress in the Specification and 
Analysis of Image Quality /P //09 
Dr. Welch pointed out that the reliability of pre- 
dicted and measured photographic system MTF's 
is influenced by variations in component MTF's, 
non-linearity of the photographic process, target 
fidelity and  microdensitometer parameters. 
However, predicted MTF's have been found to 
correspond to within 10 to 15 per cent of mea- 
sured values. 
Specifications of performance for Landsat C 
sensors indicate that the 30m IFOV planned for 
the Thematic Mapper of the Landsat Program 
wil! produce images of comparable quality to 
those recorded by the Skylab S-190A MTF. 
Formation of a Working Group on Image 
Quality for further studies was recommended 
by Dr. Welch. 
Author: Dr. K. J. Rosenbruch (F.R.G.) 
Title: Considerations of Image Geometry 
and Image Quality of Lenses in 
Aerial Mapping Cameras /P //08 
Dr. Rosenbruch pointed out the difficulty of 
testing of optical systems and errors of centra- 
tion in lens production. However, high-class 
aerial cameras are rarely affected by this. Further, 
a combination of aberration measurement and 
OTF measurement has proven to be an efficient 
and economic method of testing. The number of 
the OTF measurements needed can be remarkably 
reduced by combining with these the data of 
field curvature. 
To sum up, the Invited Paper by Dr. Welch and 
the one following it, by Dr. Rosenbruch, con- 
sidered the applications of MTF's for assessing 

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