Full text: National reports (Part 2)

The Instituto Geogräfico Militar Argentino (Argentine Military Geo- 
graphic Institute), an organization which is a member of the International 
Society of Photogrammetry, is submitting to the participants of the XIII 
International Congress for Photogrammetry, the National Report of the 
photogrammetric activities and the progress attained in the disciplines of 
each of the technical and scientific commissions that develop the princi- 
pal topics included in the program being set up. 
It covers a compilation of work carried out and of projects in deve- 
lopment for governmental and private purposes. It also performs the sis- 
tematization of the regular surveys tending to prepare the topographic 
map of the national territory, as it has been provided by Law 12,696/41, 
known as "Ley de la Carta" (Mapping Law), extended by Law 19,278/71 
and intensified in its performance by Law 16,828 of photogrammetric co- 
During the period between the XII and the XIII International Congresses, 
it has been our concern to modernize its instruments with the addition 
of modern equipment and progressive technology for the preparation of 
basic and thematic national, provincial and municipal topographic maps. 
To the paper named "A solution for semianalytical aerial triangulation 
by the method of independent models", submitted to the XII International 
Congress (Ottawa, Canada, 1972), a new one, which is enclosed, and of 
the same author, Professor Surveyor Angel PEREZ SALAS of the Argen- 
tine Military Geographic Institute, and named "ANALYTICAL AERIAL 
TRIANGULATION: its obtention through a simple algorithm" is now being 
Among other special scientific work being carried out and that are 
of special concern of researchers of governmental organizations, the fo- 
llowing may be mentioned: 
— Photogrammetric adjustment of block strips; 
— setting up of a testing ground for photogrammetry; 
— production of ortophotographs through suitable techniques and 
— cartographic and interpretative explotation of satellite images ob- 
tained in the ERTS and SKYLAB missions; 
— automation of thematic cartography, etc. 
Finally, two graphs are enclosed to this report to complete the idea 
on the progress achieved in regular and expeditious surveys with the 
photogrammetric coverage of the Argentine Republic. 
Buenos Aires, July 1976 
Brigadier General 
Director of the Instituto Geográfico Militar 

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