Full text: National reports (Part 2)

coverage, a 1:10 million print of the entire nation, and a series of 1:1 million NTS primary quadran- 
gles are available as continuous tone prints with borders defined by the NTS grid and containing an 
overlay of map information to provide certain name, elevation and geographic detail. 
The Canadian Mapping Industry which consists of some 25 firms continues to be actively involved in 
both domestic and foreign commercial work. Their area of work varies from 1:50 000 National mapping 
to large scale 1:500 city plans. About 8 of these firms have our support capability. 
Bogdan, W.H., 1972, '"Large-Scale Urban-Mapping Techniques within Survey Control Areas in Alberta", 
The Canadian Surveyor, Dec. 1972, pp. 510 - 530. 
Collins S.H., 1975, "Terrain Parameters Directly from a Digital Terrain Model", The Canadian 
Surveyor, Vol. 29,.No.:5, Dec. 1975, pp. 507 —:518. 
Crawley, B.G. 1974, "Gestalt Contours", The Canadian Surveyor, Vol. 28, No. 3, Sept. 1974, 
pp. 237.—- 240. 
Fleming, E.A., 1975, "Canadian Mapping Use of Landsat Imagery', presented paper at 10th Inter- 
national Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, Ann Arbor, Michigan, Oct. 
Jaksic, Z., 1973, "Man-Machine Photogrammetric Systems and System Components'', The Canadian 
Surveyor, Dec. 1973, pp. 308 - 319. 
Jaksic, Z., 1972, "Photogrammetric Data in Urban Information Systems', The Canadian Surveyor, 
Dec. 1972, pp..:558 — 566. 
Kratky, V., 1975, "Block Adjustment of Geographical Reference System for Statistical Data Files", 
The Canadian Surveyor, Vol. 29, No. 3, Sept. 1975, pp. 307 - 318. 
Masry, S.E., Crawley, B.G., Hilborn, W.H., 1975, "Difference Detection", Photogrammetric Engi- 
neering and Remote Sensing, Vol. 4l, No. 9, Sept. 1975, pp. 1145 - 1148. 
Masry, S.E., Derenyi, E., Crawley, B.G., 1976, '"Photomaps Non-Conventional Imagery", Photogram- 
metric Engineering and Remote Sensing, Vol. 42, No. 4, April 1976, pp. 497 - 501. 
MacLean, W.J., 1972, "Mapping Requirements for Urban Planning and Development', The Canadian 
Surveyor, Dec. 1972, pp. 479 - 483, 
MacLean, W.J., 1972, "Survey Control for Urban Areas", The Canadian Surveyor, Dec. 1972, pp. 
Podehl, W.M,, 1975, "The Role of a Cadastre in Statistical Information Systems", The Canadian 
Surveyor, Vol. 29, No. 1, March 1975, pp. 82 - 90. 
Groot, R., 1976, ''Automated Cartography in the Surveys and Mapping Branch, Department of Energy, 
Mines and Resources", Proceeding of Symposium on Geographic Information Processing, 
Feb. 1976, pp. 15 - 21. 
Symons, D.C., 1976, "The Urban Information System of the National Capital Commission", Proceedings 
of the Symposium on Geographic Information Processing, Feb. 1976, pp. 59 - 74. 
Symons, D.C., 1972, "Automatic Mapping and its Relation to Urban Information Systems", The 
Canadian Surveyor, Dec. 1972, pp. 545 - 557. 
Stewart, R.A., and Fleming, E.A., 1974, "Mapping Activities: SKYLAB and ERTS Imagery", presented 
paper at the 2nd Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing, University of Guelph, 
April 1974, 
Switzer, W., 1976, "The Canada Geographic Information System", Proceedings of the Symposium on 
Geographic Information Processing, Feb. 1976, pp. 22 - 39. 

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