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18. Zarzycki, J.M., Harris, L.J., Linders, J.G., 1975, "Topographic-Cartographic Data Base and
Automated Cartography in Canada", presented paper at the Commonwealth Survey
Officers Conference 1975.
19. Zarzycki, J.M., 1976, "Digital Topographic Data Banks and Automated Cartography in Canada", pre-
sented paper at the First United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for the
Americas, March 1976.
20. Zarzycki, J.M., 1976, "Experience with the Automated Contouring by Gestalt Photomapper GPM-2
for Production of 1:50 000 Maps", presented paper at the XIII Congress of Inter-
national Society for Photogrammetry", at Helsinki, July.1976.
Non-Topographic Photogrammetry in Canada
Reporter: Marius C. van Wijk, National Research Council
The number of organizations which use photogrammetry in non-topographic applications has noticeably
increased over the last few years. Where, previously, work in this area was done only at universities
and research organizations with an interest in photogrammetry and mapping, there are presently several
organizations in Canada including hospitals, government agencies and private companies, which use
photogrammetry on a more or less regular basis.
This report lists the main activities in Canada in the field of interest of Commission V during the
period 1972 - 1976. Various applications and instrumental developments are briefly described and
published works concerned with non-topographic photogrammetry are listed.
Various projects in the engineering field at Laval University have been sponsored by Hydro-Québec.
They include the development of a high precision, terrestrial photogrammetric system for deformation
measurements of power dams 7 , and the use of aerial photogrammetry to determine sagging of power
lines under the weight of freezing rain. Terrestrial photogrammetry was used at Laval University
to plot precise contour lines for determining volumes of rock to be removed in road construction pro-
An analytical photogrammetric method, developed at the National Research Council to determine the
dynamic characteristics of a fast moving vehicle was used as a calibration procedure for a simulation
program, modeling various critical highway situations, in studies of highway safety 33
In hydrology, directional wave patterns on large water surfaces were studied by means of a digital
model, obtained by analytical photogrammetry from photographs taken with non-metric cameras. This
project was carried out at NRC for the Department of Public Works.
Three-dimensional determination of flow patterns and turbulences in the National Aeronautical Esta-
blishment water tunnel at NRC was carried out by a stereo-photogrammetric technique using non-metric
cameras. Small reference particles, carried by the flow, were made visible in the photographs with
the aid of a stroboscope.
A study of analytical solutions for a quantitative analysis of stereo-images obtained with a scanning
electron microscope was carried out by NRC in cooperation with Carleton University. Associated pro-
blems of calibrating the geometry of these microscopes were treated as well
Analytical photogrammetry was successfully employed at the NRC to assess the performance of the Trans-
verse Loading System developed for surgical correction of spinal deformities in scoliosis. Two approa-
ches were used, an off-line analytical solution and an on-line technique, based on the analytical
plotter 6