Full text: National reports (Part 2)

The majority of governmental and private organizations devoted to 
mapping through the aerophotogrammetric procedure use, as fundamental 
primary datum, the panchromatic film using wideangle and superwideangle 
type cameras with focal lengths of 152 mm and 88.5 mm respectively 
(format 23 cm X 23 cm). 
The aerophotogrammetric coverages are carried out by airplanes de- 
signed with the mentioned purpose. The flight relative altitude on the 
ground varies of course, according to the wanted scale —compatible with 
the purpose of mapping— within a range from 750 m to 5,000 m. 
The area covered by the photogrammetric flights of the organizations 
and firms during the period July 1972 - June 1976 is shown on graph En- 
closure N° 1. 
Mention should be made of the increasingly use, with photointerpre- 
tation and resources inventory purposes, of ERTS missions satellite ima- 
gery, which cover almost all the country, and SKYLAB imagery. 
Of course Skylab images would provide, from every point of view, a 
great help to expeditious mapping surveys but they only cover a small 
part of the country. 
It is a generalized rule in all cartographic organizations of the coun- 
try to use corrective procedures, either optical, mechanical or analytical, 
which can deprive photographic images from known anomalies. 
La mayoría de los organismos estatales y empresas privadas, que 
se dedican a la obtención de cartografía por el procedimiento aerofoto- 
gramétrico utilizan como dato primario fundamental la película pancromá- 
tica empleando cámaras del tipo granangular y supergranangular con fo- 
cales aproximadas de 152 mm y 88,5 respectivamente (formato 23 cm 
X 23 cm). 
Los cubrimientos aerofotogramétricos se llevan a cabo en aviones 
disefiados para esta finalidad. Las alturas relativas de vuelo sobre el te- 
rreno varían, por supuesto, de acuerdo con la escala deseada —compati- 
ble con la finalidad de la cartografía a obtener— dentro de un rango que 
abarca desde los 750 metros hasta los 5.000 metros. 
— 1 

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