Full text: National reports (Part 2)

one or more courses in photogrammetry, photointerpretation and/or remote sensing is in excess of 
50. At technologist and/or technician level institutions there are enrolled.at least 450 students 
on the technologist level, and at least 350 students on the technician level, respectively, having 
taken one or more courses in photogrammetry, photointerpretation and/or remote sensing. Annual 
graduations in these categories on the technologist level are in excess of 90, and of 35, respec- 
tively, on the technician level. 
10. Canadian educational institutions and research sections in government agencies and private enter- 
prises have produced in the reporting period publications on photogrammetry, photointerpretation 
and remote sensing, which number more than 220, 
III. Photogrammetric Texbooks, Journals with Photogrammetric Articles, Activities of National Societies 
(including photointerpretation and remote sensing) 
l. Text Books Used: Most available text books are used; in particular: e e 
"Manual of Photogrammetry', American Society of Photogrammetry 
"Manual of Colour Aerial Photography" 
"Elements of Photogrammetry' by Wolf 
"Interpretation of Aerial Photographs' by Avery 
"Photogrammetry" by Hallert 
"Photogrammetry' Moffitt 
"Photogrammetrie" par Bonneval 
"Photographic Surveying' by Lueder 
"Stereophotogrammetry' by Ghosh 
2. Journals & Periodicals in Photogrammetry, Photointerpretation and Remote Sensing: 
Most available journals & periodicals are used; in particular: 
"The Canadian Surveyor", Candian Institute of Surveying 
"Photogrammetric Engineering", American Society of Photogrammetry 
"Surveying & Mapping", American Congress of Surveying & Mapping e o 
"Bulletin de la Société Frangaise de Photogrammétrie" 
"Bulletin de la Société Belge de Photogrammétrie" 
"Photogrammetria", International Society of Photogrammetry 
"ITC Journal, ITC 
3. National Societies: 
The National Society representing Canada in the International Society of Photogrammetry is the 
"Canadian Institute of Surveying CIS", wich at the present time has 1800 regular members, 350 junior 
members and 300 associate members. The official organ (journal) of CIS is the "Canadian Surveyor" 
which appears 5 times a year, has 600 subscribers and covers 62 countries. The CIS has several 
technical committees among them there are the "Photogrammetry Committee" and the "Remote Sensing 
IV. Bibliography 
For detailed information, refer to the Report of Commission VI, Helsinki 1976. 

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