Full text: National reports (Part 2)

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The Institute of Photogrammetry of the Helsinki University of Technology 
and the National Board of Survey have formed a joint organ and started 
a project for the development of the quality control and automation of 
the mapping process. Also the Technical Research Centre of Finland joined 
the project at the end of the term. | 
At the Institute of Photogrammetry the goniometer has been improved and 
taken into routine use in production. The testing of cameras and films 
has been continued by using the goniometer and the test fields constructed 
in 1969. Two theses for the degree of Licentiate in Technology have been 
written on subjects related to these, and a doctoral dissertation concerning 
the investigation of the distortion, RP and MTF of cameras is in progress, 
Various applications of terrestrial photogrammetry and engineering photo- 
grammetry should be mentioned among other objects of investigation. At 
the Institute a rectifier has been constructed for the rectification of 
photographs taken with a terrestrial camera tilted by 15% 30°. 
In July 1974 Finland became a member of OEEPE (Organisation Européenne 
d'Etudes Photogrammétriques Expérimentales). Since then it has actively 
participated in investigations carried out within the organization. 
Most of the tests have concerned large-scale mapping. 
At the Technical Research Centre of Finland the research project "Auto- 
mated pattern recognition and interpretation in remote sensing" was 
started in 1974. The purpose of this investigation is to determine the 
usefulness of automated interpretation based on digital radiation data 
in forest management, geology and hydrology. Radiation data obtained 
from both satellites and aeroplanes is the material used in this inves- 
In addition to the research concerning topographical mapping, the use of 
photointerpretation and photogrammetric processes in the preparation of 
maps of estates has been investigated at the National Board of Survey. 
Investigations have also been made on the use of orthophotos as a basis 
for the maps of estates. 

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