Full text: National reports (Part 2)

The use of satellite photographs in forest inventory has been investiaated 
' at the Finnish Forest Research Institute of the National Foard of Forestry, 
The Department of Forest Mensuration and Management of the University 
of Helsinki has investigated the use of automated patternina in 
forest survey. 
Various organizations, educational institutes and private companies have 
taken an interest in research and development work on the measurement 
of the forms, deformations and volumes of different structures. 
At the Institute of Marine Research, ice formation, forms of ice, etc., 
have been investigated both from satellite photographs and from low- 
altitude aerial photographs paying special attention to winter navigation. 
Oy Rautaruukki Ab has investigated satellite photographs and used them 
in ore prospecting. Among other things, the company has investigated 
the use of equidensities in the processing of LANDSAT satellite photographs 
and in making color copies. 
At the University of Oulu research work has been done on aerial photo- 
interpretation both from black-and-white and from false-color photographs 
with a special emphasis on pack ice formations, geomorphological mapping, 
and the relations between vegetation and geomorphological factors. 
Investigations have been carried out also on the use of satellite photo- 
graphs for the interpretation of soil and bedrock, regional planning of 
buildings, and simultaneous interpretation of geophysical methods. 
The Institute of Photogrammetry and the Technical Research Centre of 
Finland have investigated the working process and calculation methods of 
analytical photogrammetry. The program has been so developed and made 
inter-active that comparator measurements, among others, can be controlled. 

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