Full text: National reports (Part 2)

2 000 
Special Photogrammetry 
Terrestrial photogrammetry and the use of special photogrammetry have 
remarkably increased during the term. 
One of the most common problems is the measurement of underground deposits 
and tunnels, the annual volumetric measurement of which has been about 
2 000 000 m^. 
Another well-established application of special photogrammetry has been 
the documentation of old buildings by using stereo pairs. In addition to 
photographs, facade drawings of buildings have been generally drawn at the 
scale of 1:50. It is worth mentioning that in 1975 the Institute of Photo- 
grammetry took 250 measuring photographs of the area of the naval barracks 
at Katajanokka; 800 meters of fagade drawings at the scale of 1:50, close 
to 600 meters of facade of vertical sections and over 1 800 meters of 
facade of horizontal sections were drawn with a stereo instrument. . 
At the Laboratory of Land Use of the Technical Research Centre of Finland 
analytical methods have been applied, among other things, to architectural 
photogrammetry, measurements of ship's hull sections and volumetric 
measurements of underground deposits. 
At the Tampere University of Technology plans have been made for the 
determination of the forms and transformations of nuclear power plants 
and various structures, like radar-antennaes. 
Furthermore, archeological excavations, museum articles, old boats, boiler 
pipings, surfaces of pack ice fields, etc., have been photographed and 
Activities of the National Society 
The Finnish Society of Photogrammetry was officially founded in the year 
1931 and it joined ISP in 1934. 

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