Full text: National reports (Part 2)

us ja 
Hohe, 1Y 
g as 
Kuusela, K., 
Kuusela, K., and 
Kuusela, K., and Pos04:$S,; 
cappalainen, V., 
Levdinen, K., 
Leppänen, H., and 
LOfstrom, K.G., 
-Ofstrüm, K.G., 
Löfström, K.G., 
LOfstrom, K.G., 
Martikainen, M,, 
"aarma, Aarnisalo, 
Palosuo, E., 
Palosuo, E., and Kuittinen, R., 
Poso, Sys 
» and Salmenperd, H,, 
‘Demonstration of the Applicability of Satellite Data to 
Forestry, Final report on the project SR No. 0580-1. 
Poso, S., 'Demonstration of the Applicability of Satellite 
Data to Forestry. A publication by the Institute for 
Forestry Research, 83.4, 
'Multi-stage acquisition of forest information 
from space and aircraft imagery and ground sampling, 
Plenary meeting of COSPAR in Madrid, 1972. 
‘Photogeologic Interpretation in Road Planning in Finland', 
PJF, Vol..64 No. 14-1972. 
"Interpretation of Terrain Details for a Basic Map by Means 
of a Stereoinstrument', PJF, Vol. 6, No, 2, 1974. 
Itkonen, J., 'Use of Aerial Photographs in Building 
Enterprises (in Finnish)', Rakennustekniikka 1974:7. 
The Camera as a Measuring Instrument (in Swedish)’, 
Nordiskt arbetsseminarium, 
‘The Camera as an Instrument for Documentation and 
Kameralehti, 1974, 
‘History and Development of Photogrammetry',ISP Congress 
in Ottawa, Commission VI, 1972, 
Measurement (in Finnish)', 
‘What is Photogrammetric Documentation (in Finnish)', 
Valokuvaus 9/75, 
‘Eine analytische Methode mit Bündel- 
ausgleichung und ihr Einsatz in Sonderanwendungen der 
Photogrammetrie', Invited Paper ISP Congress Ottawa, 
Commission V, 1972, 
'The Distance Measurements at Jamijarvi Test Field with 
Wild Di 3 Distomat', PJF, Vol. 6, No. 2, 1974, 
‘On the tectonic control of weathered iron for- 
mations in Finnish Lapland', XI Nordiska Geologiska Vinter- 
mótet, Abstract printed,complete work to be printed later. 
‘Formation and structure of ice ridges in the Baltic', 
being printed, 
‘On the possibilities of determining the basin 
characteristics by means of satellite images', NASA,Greenbelt, 
"Fundamentals of Photogrammetry (in Finnish)', Tiedonantaja 5, 
University of Helsinki, Department of Forest Mensuration and 

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