Full text: National reports (Part 2)

. Allan, J.A. & Alemayehu, T. 
. Amer, F.A., Kunji, B. & 
Stefanovic, P. 
Asch, Th.W.J. van & 
Steenbergen, R.A. 
Attema, EP. W. et al 
. d’Audretsch, F.C. 
Baars, A.D. 
. Beers, J.N.P. 
— & Kuilenburg, J. van 
. Bennema, J. 
. Bergsma, E. 
Blansjaar, P.W.H 
Rural population estimates from air photographs: an example 
from Wolamo, Ethiopia. 
The ITC Journal 1975, No. 1, pp. 85—100. 
Commission III; Aerial triangulation; Review of the ISP Congress, 
Ottawa, 1972. 
The ITC Journal 1973, No. 1, pp. 76—86. 
Een landschapskartering ten behoeve van het erosieonderzoek. 
Geogr. Tijdschr. Vol. 6 (1972) No. 5, pp. 454—460. 
Radar cross sections of vegetation canopies determined by mono- 
static and bistatic scatterometry. 
Paper presented at the 9th Int. Symp. on Remote Sensing of 
Env., April 1974, AnnArbor, Michigan. 
Delft, 1974, NIWARS Publication No. 15, 9 pp. 
The application of aerial photographic techniques in engineering 
geology studies with special reference to harbor development. 
Proc. IPI Appreciation seminar on the use of airphoto interpreta- 
tion in survey and mapping of natural resources, Dehra Dun, 
22nd-27th May 1972, 7 pp. 
The establishment of the Indian Photo Interpretation Institute at 
Dehra Dun 1965—1973. 
The ITC Journal 1973, No. 4, pp. 678—726. 
Stereoscopisch zien. 
Geodesia Vol. 15 (1973) No. 9, pp. 167—172. 
Collection and processing of multispectral data. 
Delft, 1972, NIWARS Publication No. 4, 134 pp. 
Analysis of significance within crop-spectra. A comparison study 
of different multispectral scanners. 
Delft, 1975, NIWARS Publication No. 30, 50 pp. 
Automatic processing of multispectral imagery. 
Delft, 1973, NIWARS Publication No. 6, 18 pp. 
Automatic classification methods applied to multispectral photo- 
Delft, 1974, NIWARS Publication No. 14, 15 pp. 
De toepassing van luchtopnames in de bodemkunde. 
Landbouwk. Tijdschr. Vol. 84 (1972), No. 1, pp. 6—14. 
Soil erosion sequences on aerial photographs. 
The ITC Journal 1974, No. 3, pp. 342—376. 
A computer controlled precision comparator-densitometer. 
Twelfth Congress of the Intern. Soc. for Photogramm., Ottawa 
Pres. Paper for Commission VII, 12 pp. 

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