Clerici, E., Kubik, K. &
Kuilenburg, J. van
22. Corten, F.LJ'H.
— & Heimes, F J.
Damen, J.P.N.
. Dodt, J. & Zee, D. van der
Eckhart, D.
. El Ghazalli, M.S.A.
the Symp. held in Stuttgart, Federal Republic of Germany, Sep-
tember, 2nd to 6th, 1974), pp. 179 -187.
Thermal mapping at the Rhine river estuary using IRLS images.
Bildm. u. Luftb., Vol. 41 (1973), No. 4, pp. 141—146.
Delft, 1973, NIWARS Publication No. 9.
Experience with photogrammetric triangulation in astronomy.
Deutsche Geod. Kommission, Reihe B: Angew. Geodisie — Heft
Nr. 214 (Intern. Soc. of Photogramm. Commission III, Proc. of
the Symp. held in Stuttgart, Federal Republic of Germany, Sep-
tember, 2nd to 6th, 1974), pp. 306—308.
Performance and economy of survey flight systems. Twelfth Con-
gress of the Intern. Soc. for Photogramm., Ottawa 1972.
Inv. Paper for Commission I, 21 pp.
An integrated photographic survey flight system.
Inv. Paper for the Symp. of Commission I of the Intern. Soc. for
Photogramm., Stockholm, August, 27th —29th, 1974, 12 pp.
The aerial photography package —
Elements necessary for the production of aerial photography.
The ITC Journal 1973, No. 4, pp. 640—658.
Les prises de vues aeriennes.
The ITC Journal 1974, No. 2, pp. 193—210.
The story of the ITC aircraft and the survey flight courses.
The ITC Journal 1976, No. 1, pp. 112—116.
Commission I: Photography and navigation.
Review of the ISP Congress, Ottawa, 1972.
The ITC Journal 1973, No. 1, pp. 37—52.
The ITC Photnav system.
The ITC Journal 1976, No. 2, pp. 159—183.
Poging tot verklaring van reflectiespectra van een serie bodem-
monsters, gemeten met de NIWARS-Spectrometer.
Delft, 1975, NIWARS Publication No. 25, 56 pp.
Identification of rural land-use types (a method of teaching in
and data acquisition by, photo interpretation).
The ITC Journal 1974, No. 5, pp 599—616.
Spacelab and the Space shuttle system.
The ITC Journal 1975, No. 2. pp. 268—279.
Nine aspects of remote sensing, a general orientation.
The ITC Journal 1975, No. 4, pp. 444—451.
Height determination from circular scanned imagery.
The ITC Journal 1974, No. 2, pp. 230—238.
Numerical investigation of progressive sampling for digital terrain
The ITC Journal 1974, No. 5, pp. 655—681.