Full text: National reports (Part 2)

Leberl, F. 
72. = Heimes, F.J. & 
Kunji, B. 
73. Leberl, F. & Makarovic, B. 
74. — Visser, J. & Kure, J. 
75. Ligterink, G.H. 
76. Loor, G.P. de 
Evaluation of SLAR image quality and geometry in Proradam. 
The ITC Journal 1974, No. 4, pp. 518—546. 
ISP Symposium, Commission V (Non-topographic applications), 
Washington, September 1974. 
The ITC Journal 1974, No. 5, pp. 692. 
The geometry of and plotting from single strips of side looking 
airborne radar imagery. 
Enschede, 1975, ITC Technical Report No. 1, 148 pp. 
Radargrammetry for image interpreters. 
Enschede, 1975, ITC Technical Report No. 2, 149 pp. 
Simulation of camera elements (flight parameters). Report of the 
Bureau Exécutif to the 44th meeting of the Comité Directeur 
concerning a research programme for the OEEPE, October 1973, 
17: pp. 
Commission II: theory, methods and instruments. Review of the 
ISP Congress, Ottawa 1972. 
The ITC Journal 1973, No. 1, pp. 53-75. 
Etudes de l’ITC sur les modèles numériques de terrain. 
Bulletin de la Soc. Française de Photogrammétrie, 1974, No. 54, 
pp. 5—19. 
OEEPE Oberschwaben reseau investigations. 
Frankfurt, Inst. for Applied Geodesy, 1973. Official OEEPE Pu- 
blication No. 8. 
Fotogrammetrie en computer. 
Openbare les uitgesproken bij de aanvaarding van het ambt van 
gewoon lector in de fotogrammetrie aan de Techn. Hogeschool te 
Delft op vrijdag 16 juni 1972. 
Ned. Geod. Tijdschr. Vol. 2 (1972) No. 7, pp. 127—134. 
Aerotriangulatie en blokvereffening. 
IN: Het XIIe Congres van de ISP. 
Ned. Geod. Tijdschr. Vol. 3 (1973) No. 5, pp. 96—97. 
The precision of photogrammetric model coordinates and model 
Delft Progress Report Vol. 1 (1975) No. 2, pp. 37—50. 
The coordinates of the perspective centre - a discussion. 
Photogrammetria Vol. 30 (1975), No. 2, pp. 87—90. 
Detectie vanuit de lucht van verontreinigingen van het milieu. 
Intermediair Vol. 9 (1973) No. 28, pp. 25—33. 
Radarmetingen aan bosopstanden en kale gronden nov./dec. 
Den Haag, Physisch Laboratorium TNO, Report PHL 1974-14, 18 
Radar Ground Returns; Part III, further measurements on the 
radar backscatter of vegetations and soils; Report PHL 1974-05. 

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