Full text: National reports (Part 2)

[80] ZEGHERU, N. The Aerial Triangulation Use in the Cadastral Sır- 
veyings. XIII. Congress of the ISP, Helsinki, 1976, 13 pe 
[81] x*x 
Technical Instructions for Topographical Plan Compi- 
lation at 132,000, 1:5,000 and 1:10,000 Scales. Part II: 
Photogrammetric Works ( Instructiuni tehnice pentru intoc- 
mirea planurilor topografice la acárile 1:2,000, 1:54000 
si 1:10.000, Partea a II-a: Lucrári f otogrammetr ice) MALAA, 
Bucuresti, 1973, 64 pe 
[82] x*x 
7488-74 Standard. Geodesy, Topography, Pnotogramme try 
and Cartography. Terminology and Symbols. The First Edi- 
ding. (STAS 7488-7^. ME&sur&ri terestre-geodezie, topogra- 
fie,fotogrammetrie si cartografie . Terminologie si sim- 
boluri. Redactarea I-a). IGFCOT, Bucuresti, 1973, 118 p. 

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