Full text: National reports (Part 2)

Borg C-G 
Cavallia C 
Mattsson J O 
Eklundh J-O 
Eklund 7 
Nilsson J 
Blonquist À 
Fagerlund E 
Larsson S 
Lundholn @ 
Granath L 
Helgeson E G 
Helldén U 
Helldén U 
Olsson H-] 
Helldén U 
Olsson E-À 
Selected test sites for the French- 
swedish Daedalus NSS-75 campaign. 
Swedish Corporation F7-10 1975 
Retroreflection of light from drop 
covered surfaces and an image- 
producing device for registration of 
this light. 
OIKOS 23 1972 
A System for input and output of digi- 
tal pictures. 
FOA 2 rapport C2573, nov 1972 
Palse alarm risks of radar detection 
of oil spills. 
FOA Report C30017-E1 1974 
Detection of oil spills by night by 
optical techniques, Results of a 
field experiment (in Swedish). 
FOA Report C30019-E1 1974 
Strandinventering 1 Stockholms skärgärd 
med hjülp av flygbildsteknik - en me- 
Forskningsrapport 20, Naturgeografiska 
institutionen, Stockholms universitet 
Hardware for interactive systens for 
imagery processing (in Swedish). 
FOA 2 Report C2645-E1 1973 
The use of LANDSAT-1 imagery for water 
quality studies in southern Scandina- 
Paper presented at the NASA Earth Re- 
sources Survey Symposium, Houston, 
Texas, USA, June 1975. Proceedings. 
NASA TW 1-58168 JSC-09930 Lydon B. 
Johnson Space Center, Yol I-A, 451- 
Water quality studies and land=use 
mapping using ERTS-1 data. Journal of 
the British Interplanetary Society. 
Vol 28, Nos 9-10, 634-646. 
Presented at the symposium "European 
participation in earth resources pro- 
jecta" University College, London, 
9 April 1975 
Inventory of Fague-stand sad land-use 
mapping in southern Sweden based on 
LANDSAT-1 data, 
Presented at the Second Annual General 
Conference of Remote Sensing Society 
of Great Britain held at the National 
College of Agricultural Engineering, 
Silsoe, Bedford 9-11 Sept. 1975 
Lutti K 
Ihse M 
Ihse M 
Wastenson L 
Kihlblom U 
Larsson Ri 
Bergstróa K 
Lindqvist S 
Lundén B 
Lundholm G 
Flygbild - vegetation - jordart. 
Vegetationen som indikator pd jordarts- 
fórhállanden vid geobildtolkning. 
SGI projekt nr 20241 1974 
Oversiktlig kartering av fjállvegeta- 
tion i flygbilder, Em inledande metod- 
Porskningsrapport 17, naturgeografiska 
institutionen, Stockholms universitet, 
Flygbildstolkning av fjüllvegetation - 
en metodstudie für óversiktlig karterizs;. 
SNY PM 596, 1975 
Fürg- och svartvita flygbilder, En un- 
dersókning av moggrannheten vid geobild- 
Statens viigverk, 1973 
Jordartsindikationer 1 fürg- och svart- 
vita flygbilder. En jümfórelse, 
Statens vügverk, 1973 
Bildtolkning fór vügprojektering. Ner- 
diska vügtekniska fürbundet, utskott 23. 
Rappert Nr 1 1974 
Flygbildsstudier av fluvial erosion, En 
undersókning inom Klarülvens óvre meander- 
Diss. UNGI rapport 37. Uppsala 1975 
Tectonic analysis of south-western Sweden 
be means of ERTS images. 
Svensk geografisk ársbok, 1973 
Vindea i kustklimatet - metodstudier. 
Góteborgs universitet, Naturgeografiska 
institutionen, Rapport 5, 1973 
Studies of elowd formation im coastal 
areas by means of ERTS-! inmegery. 
Svensk geografisk drsbok 1973 
A test of some imdicators for the study 
of soils in aerial photographs and the 
possibility of interpretation in diffe- 
rent types of photos. À prelininary re- 
port from studies in the Malingsbo area, 
(in Swedish) 
Neturgeografiska institutionem, Stockholna 
Apparatur för bandinspelning och sigmal- 
behandling av vürmebilder, 
POA 2 rapport C2615, juni 1973 
lunes S 
Marmolin H 
Nermolin E 
Orhaug T 
| Hattisson I 
| Mattsson J O 
Nöller SG 
Nilsson J 
Hagnan T 
Ohlsson E 
Olsson L E 
Persson C 
Mágàrd A 
Ottersten 3 
Qrenat L 
frügürdh C 

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