je netod-
tation =
; karteriry,
', En un-
id geobild-
ch svart-
ng. Nor-
tskott 23.
osion, In
vre meander-
tern Sweden
the study
and the
in diffe-
inary re-
gsbo area,
, Stockholn
ih signal-
fuese S
Marmolin E
Kernolin HE
Orhaug T
Hattisson I
Wettsson J O
NSller SG
Nilsson J
Hagman T
Ohlsson E
Olsson L E
Persson C
Hâgärd A
Ottersten X
Granat L
Trügürdh C
Sma5kartering med fjürranalyssatelliter.
SMHI PM nr 120 1974
Visual Transfer Functions and Imaging
Systems - À Literature Survey.
FOA rapport C56003-H9, julí 1975
Bildtolkning, bildbehandling och be-
FOA rapport D30023-El, april 1975
Snow mapping with satellite images.
(in Swedish) SMEI HBF PM 210 1975
Cloud studies by ERTS-1 (in Swedish).
University of Lund 1973
Climatic information in night-recorded
asrial photographs.
University of Lund, 1974
Sliroptik och interferenssystem som
mikrokliímatologiska analysredskap.
Svensk Geografisk Arsbok 51, 1975
A study of the possibility of deter-
mining forest elements of test plots
fron data neasured in aerial photo-
graphs, Report fron the National Land
Survey Board 1969 :4
A system of describing and classify-
ing information concerning land forms.
The National Institute for Building
Research. Stockholm. Document D8:
FIG, Commission 5. Survey Instruments
and Methods.
National Report for Sweden. SRA, Stock-
hola 1974
Fjárranalys, sárskilt bildinformations-
system angáende landskapet.
Statens lantnäteriverk 1975
Detektering av oljeutslápp med flyg-
och fartygsburen radar,
FOA rapport C30040-El, oktober 1975
Passive microwave radiometry and its
potential application to earth resour-
ces surveys.
ELDO/ESRO Soient and Tech Rev No 5
Weasurements of meteorological para-
meters and air pollution spread over
Stockholm, Sweden, by means of remote
sensing and airborne instrumentation.
WMO No 368 1974
Orhaug 7
Eklund J O
Grambo S
et al
Orheug T
Johansson R
Orhang T
Pettersson T
Orhaug ?
lkersten I
Ottersten H
Ottersten H
Hurtig M
Persson R
Ottersten H
et al
Review of image processing by computer
(in Swedish).
FOAL 2 Report C2568-El 1972
Information theory aspects on remote
sensing (in Swedish).
FOA 2 Report C2568-El 1972
A system for Digital Processing of
Pictorial Information.
FOA reprints, 1975/76:11 (Reprint fron
Proc Eur Conf Interactive Systems, On-
Line Conferences Ltd, Uxbridge 1975, pp
377-391). FOA rapport B30009-E1
The Detectability of an Unsharp Edge in
an Additive Noisy Background.
FOA reprints, 1974/75:28 (Reprint from
Perception, Vol.3, pp 193-204, 1974)
FOA rapport B30006-E1
Computer systems for imagery processing
(in Swedish).
FOA Report C30016-F5 1974
ERTS CCT imagery processing of Swedish
scenes, a pilot study.
FOA 3 Report D3006-El and ESRO Report
SP-100 1974
Processing of ERTS COT Imagery of Swe-
den, A Pilot Study.
FOA reprints, 1974/75:33 (Reprint from
Proc, ESRO Symp European Earth-Resour-
ces Satellite Experiments, Frascati,
Italy, Jan 28 - Feb 1, 1974, pp 37 - 45)
FOA rapport B30007-El
Digital imagery of Swedish scenes using
ERTS data.
FOA 3 Report D30009-El 1974
Swedish sodar investigations and results,
URSI, Lima 1975
Remote sensing of layers and turbulence
in the troposphere by microwave radar and
acoustical methods (in Swedish).
STU 71-727/0597 1972
Sodar monitoring of mixing height in
FOA 1975
Shipborme sodar measurements during
Jonswap 2.
FOA Reprints No 17 1974