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Steinwall 0
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Âgren CE
Sundbergh S
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et al
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Geomorphological studies in the South-
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Nedd, fr. Lunds Univ, Geogr. Inst.
Ser. Avh. 66
Remote sensing of particles in smoke
plumes, Programme for field experiment
(in Swedish).
Swedish Space Corperation F9-4 1975
Ieke-linjür transformation av fler-
dinensionella data.
POAÀ rapport D30024-E5, maj 1975
Baltie coastal dynamics project -the
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Ask’ rapport no 7, 1975
Átaosfürstransmission i váglündsomrá-
det 0,7-1,1 pm.
FOA 2 rapport C2608, april 1973
Measurement of the atmospheric extimc-
tion in the spectral region 360-800
nm by spectroradiometry.
FOA 2 rapport C2675-M7, juni 1974.
J Appl. Meteorology Vol. 14, No 4,
June 1975, pp 603-608
Rapport till Svenska Gruvfüreningen
ver bildtolkning av geotraversom-
rüdet i Bergalagen.
Prelininär rapport, 1973
Geography and agriculture,
Ingár i Microwave Radiometry and its
Potential Application to Earth Re-
sources Surveys. Prepared under the
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The use of stress situations in vege-
tation for detecting ground condi-
tions on aerial photographs.
Photogrammetric 28:75-87, 1972
Remote sensing for detecting water pol-
lution and surveying current patterns
in coastal areas (in Swedish),
University of Lund 1974
Experiences of ERTS-1 imagery in geo-
graphical studies.
Svensk geografisk Arsbok 49 1973
Some ERTS-1 applications with special
Reference to Environmental Research,
(in Swedish),
Svensk geografisk Arsbok 50 1974
Svensson H
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The potential use of ERTS-1 inagery
for environment surveys (in Swedish).
National Swedish Environment Protoo-
tion Board PM 518 1974
ERTS-1 data for land-use mapping amd
water quality studies (in Swedish).
National Swedish Environment Proteo-
tion Board PM 615 1975
Bildalstring och bildbearbetning fór
Kompendium i skoglig fotogrammetri.
Skogshôgskolan 1975
Comparison between CIE and NCS oolour
FOA rapport C30032-E1, april 1975
Fürgforskning vid PFOA.
FOA rapport C 30028-El, april 1975
The principles of colour systems.
POA 2 rapport C2596, febr 1973
Surveillance of ice conditions in the
Sea and Bay of Bothnia by remote sen-
sing techniques (in Swedish),
Swedish Meteorological and Hydrologi-
cal Institute 1974
Kartering av framkomlighetsmdjligheter
för terrüngfordon - ett metodfórsók.
Symposium i tillümpad maturgeografi i
Uppsala 1974,
Geobildtolkning av máktighetsfórhbállan-
den inom leromridden,
Statens Institut for byggnadsforskning,
Rapport R 9:1974
Geobildtolkning i Sverige. Uppfóljning
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Byggforskningens sammanfattningar S10:
1975. SGI serie SPR nr 59, 1975
The Swedish Remote Sensing Program.
Swedish Space Corporation P 1/2-4, Octo-
ber 28, 1975
Computer analysis of IRTS registrations
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POA 3 Report D3008-El 1974
The transient snovline and glacier mass
balance in Southern British Columbia and
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ser À, pp 93-106 1973
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