jor instrumental projects were realized. A new, uni-
versal, digital orthophoto system Avioplan OR 1 for
online and rapid offline use applying optical and
electronic components was developed and is in
serial production. It is based on line-element recti-
fication of first order and can eliminate also the
adverse effects of ground slope perpendicular to the
scanning direction. Areas covered by two adjacent
photogrammetric models can be differentially recti-
vied in one process. A software package is pro-
vided so that digital data of nearly any kind can be
used to derive the input data for the orthophoto
A new group of analog plotters named Aviomap, all
with the same basic features such as mechanical
projection, takes care of the plotting needs in the
widest sense. The user can select from three instru-
ments the type and configuration which suits his
needs best. Graphical plotting at small, medium or
large scales from aerial or terrestrial photography
is possible as well as numerical measurements for
any purpose including orthophotography. A number
of options allows for a high degree of flexibility.—
One major item in conjunction with the Aviomap in-
struments is the also newly developed automatic
drawing table Aviotab TA. It is controlled by digital
servos. Although basically designed for connection
to a plotting instrument with maximum enlargement
from model to manuscript of 1:10 the TA can also be
used for graphical output from a computer.
Other equipment has become available since the
last International Congress of Photogrammetry in
1972 such as the Data Acquisition System EK 22,
the PKR Cartoscope and PPR Profiloscope (two TV
cameras and monitor devices) and the Dual Instruc-
tion Oculars PIO 3 for the Aviograph B 85.
New products manufactured by KERN & CO AG,
Monocomparator MK2
For the measuring of image coordinates with high
precision from Film or Glassplates up to a format
of 23 cm X 23 cm.
A partial automated Drawing table for the PG 2 or
PG 3 plotters. The usuable drawing area is 860 X
1360 mm. The table can be continuously tilted from
horizontal to vertical position.
A desk computer which assists the partially auto-
mated evaluation system of the PG 2 plotter. The
system consists out of:
a desk computer HP 9810A
a teletype for in- and out-put
a AT table
The system enlarges the capability of the conven-
tional PG 2-AT combination. Certain off-line draw-
ing etc. can be accomplished as e.g. the prepara-
tion of the map sheet.
Orthoprojector OP2
The OP2 enables the on-line production of ortho-
photos with the PG2-plotter. The system uses opti-
cal projection and produces wide angle photo-
graphy orthophotos with the scale relation of 1:1
between PG2 modelscale and scale of the ortho-
Auxiliary components to the KERN PG2
KERN DO2. A double viewing system which allows
two persons to view simultaneously the stereo-
model in the Kern PG2-plotter. This possibility is
helpful for photo interpretation purposes and pro-
vides valuable assistance in teaching.
Guiderailes for the production of transversal pro-
files on the PG2 and PG2-AT equipment. Two stand-
ard models for the use with PG2 and the PG2-AT-
system are available. Both can be equipped with
encoders. For the latter one means can be provided
for plotting parallel profiles at preset intervals.
Digitizing equipment ER2
Six digits indicator with sign for three coordinates.
Arbitialy setting of zero position or values for re-
ference coordinates, compatible with the PG2, PG3
plotters and the MK2 Monocomperator. The univer-
sal interface allows without switching the connec-
tion to Teletype ASR 33, IBP-typewriter, FACIT 4070
tape punch, KENNEDY 1708-9C magnetic tape and
has cardpunch interface for the IBM 545 or JUKI
The output format consisting of 1 to 54 signatures
is unrestricted and includes special signs and let-
ters. For the purpose of digitizing curves the interval
of the automated registration of model-coordinates
can be controlled by a combination for spacing and
time interval-inputs in accordance with the curva-
ture of the curve to be traced.
The point-number indexing instrument PNE can
accomodate 16 digits including a 4 digit event
counter and a time-interval controlling potentio-
meter with switches for data-output, foot operation
and event counter.
Worth mentioning are the automated drawing table-
systems of the CONTRAVES COMP., the CORADI
COMP., both at Zurich and the HAAG STREIT AG,
Liebefeld-Bern. Rather recently a new graphical
Data evaluation system was introduced by the
It was developed as a modular system which start-
ing form a conventional drawing table can be built
up to a medium sized data handling system with
many-sided auxiliaries.
Besides multi-purpose drawing software, some spe-
cial computer programs are available. Probably the
most significant one accomplishes automatic con-
touring from a practically unrestricted number of
digitized model points at random positions, allow-
ing rather sophisticated statistical constraints with
respect to the input data.
2. Photogrammetric Activities by official
Institutes and private Enterprises
to accomplish the goal of national
mapping including the effort of revising
existing map series
The “Eidgenössische Landestopographie”, Bern
The predominant activity at the Swiss Federal Lan-
destopographie is presently the Revision of the
national maps of the 1:25000 series including the