Full text: National reports (Part 2)

5. Special Applications, especially the use 
of Photogrammetry for the protection of 
cultural values. including “Architectural 
Continued was the use of Photogrammetry in the 
areas of accident documentation, Systematic sur- 
veillance of glaciers, hydrodynamic experimenta- 
tion-and for the support of various engineering pro- 
jects. The photogrammetric method was used in- 
creasingly in support of efforts to protect cultural 
values. Especially the architectural photogram- 
metry gained on importance. During the past three 
years more use of this technique was made than 
ever before. This progress was partly helped by the 
introduction of high precision objectives of various 
focallength for terrestrial cameras. 
Two courses with 60 participants were conducted 
at Zurich and Heerbrugg, on the subject of using 
photogrammetric techniques in support of problems 
concerned with the restoration and the preservation 
of the character of villages and historical cities. 
6. Photointerpretation—Remote sensing 
Among the most significant developments in re- 
mote sensing have since the Ottawa Congress been 
first the applications of earth resources satellite 
data (LANDSAT / EREP) for different purposes re- 
sulting in a rapidly increasing use of computerized 
data processing methods and second in the forma- 
tion of an interdepartmental coordination group for 
remote sensing (Koordinationsgruppe Fernerkun- 
dung) under the leadership of the Division of 
Science and Research of the Department of the 
Interior (chairman Mr. P. Flubacher) to promote and 
coordinate research activities and contacts with 
other national and international organizations. 
Besides these widespread activities in modern re- 
mote sensing techniques including handling of data 
aquired by IR scanners, multispectral scanners, 
radiometers etc. there is still substantial use of 
conventional photo interpretation methods. It is not 
possible to report here in detail on all these various 
thematical as well as methodological research 
endeavours. We rever to a comprehensive catalog 
containing all ongoing projects in remote sensing 
edited by O. KOELBL' and to a reference list of all 
published literature by Swiss authors and on Swit- 
zerland for the reporting period 1972—76 compiled 
by H. HAEFNER2. The objective of this short report 
is much more to outline some major recent activi- 
ties and important trends grouped according to the 
various sensor and imaging systems and to the pro- 
cessing methods. 
Interpretation of photographs and orthophoto- 
graphs with conventional methods 
Some of the major applications of aerial photo- 
' The catalog is available from: Dr. O. Koelbl, Eidg. Anstalt für 
das forstliche Versuchswesen, CH-8903 Birmensdorf 
? The list is available from: Prof. Dr. H. Haefner, Dept. of Geo- 
graphy, University of Zürich, Blümlisalpstr. 10, CH-8006 Zürich 
graphs and orthophotographs interpreted by con- 
ventional methods are for 
— planning purposes on all different levels (local, 
regional, national), 
— updating of the existing databank of Switzerland 
on the basis of a hectare grid system consider- 
ing specific rural and urban aspects, 
— compilation of local geographical information 
systems in high mountain environment for geo- 
ecological studies, 
— establishing digital forest type maps and com- 
puting its aerial extension by using stereo-plot- 
ter, boundary registration, automated drawing 
device etc. (map scale 1 : 5000 or 1 : 10 000), 
— national forest inventory based on a sampling 
— integrated resources surveys, inventories and 
planning projects in developing countries, in 
— for agricultural and population surveys based 
on photo interpretation and field sampling 
techniques in various areas of the Yemen 
Arab Republic, 
— for a revision and complementation of the 
first population census of the YAR by photo- 
counting techniques and field sampling. 
Modern analog and digital processing of b/w and 
color photography 
Instruments as microdensitometer, scanning-micro- 
scope-photometer, Optronics photomation System, 
Quantimet etc. were applied for 
— development of an automated interpretation 
system of forest types using texture of b/w pho- 
tos as the main criterion, 
— computerized land use mapping with large- 
scale aerial color photography based on the 
definition of various textural parameters, 
— a determination of the areal changes of the 
snow cover to evaluate surface runoff in a 
mountain valley. 
Digital processing of airborne thermal IR- and 
multispectral-scanner data 
Research work with airborne scanners concen- 
trates on 
— study of the mesoclimate and microclimate of 
an urban area and its surroundings, in particular 
of the distribution of cold air lakes, 
— investigation of the interrelationship between 
infrared radiation of different agricultural crop 
types, and various meteorological variables 
such as “air temperature”, “relative and specific 
air humidity” and “wind velocity”, 
— evaluation of the potentials of an eleven channel 
multispectral scanner for agricultural land use 
mapping under European conditions. 
Processing of spaceborne digital multispectral 
scanner data 
Having a research project accepted for all three 
earth resources experimental satellite projects 
(LANDSAT-1 and 2 / Skylab EREP) in Switzerland 
(as well as for the forthcoming HCMM) the following 
significant results could be obtained: 

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