Full text: National reports (Part 2)

Aerial photographs are required in our country to a large extent 
in map production and planning and implementation of big projects. The 
photographs used with these purposes are supplied by two state organiza- 
tions, namely the General Directorate of Mapping, and the General Direc- 
torate of Land Registeration and Cadastre. 
Aerial photographs are taken by a team composed of pilots, navi- 
gator and camera operator with the use of Zeiss and Wild cameras of 15/23 
and 21/23 formats. 
As base maps required for flight plans are completed for the whole 
country and with economic reasons, visual and semi-instrumental navigati- 
on methods are used. 
In addition to the purposes of topographic map production, in 1973 
1975, black and white and infra-red photographs in an area of 10.000 Km 
were taken at the scales of 1/10.000 and 1/20.000 with purposes such as 
determination and control of metropolitan areas in 21 provinces, settle- 
ment areas along costs and lake banks, determination of areas damaged by 
earthquakes and new settlement regions, project studies of the Bosphorus 
Bridge and surrounding roads, outskirts in 8 provinces, various forestry 
works, determination of underground coal basing and a study on North 
Anatolian fault line. 
Again in 1976, infra-red and false colour photographs are taken 
besides the normal usage for agricultural control, study of pollution of 
air and sea and its effect on vegetation. Furthermore, multispectral 
photographs are taken for hydrological geological and morphdogical researc 
Ten working groups are formed for researches and investigations 
in various subjects of interest to the commission. The results of these 
works shall be reported later on. 
In our country, authorization to produce maps with photogrammetric 
methods is given to certain official organizations. Therefore, precise 
photogrammetric instruments of various types exist at these producing 
agencies and at the establishments providing training inphotogrammetry. 
Since the adoption of photogrammetric methods in the country, these orga 
nizations have tried to solve their problems with their own capabilities. 
- Cameras existing in Turkey for use in terresterial and aerial 
photogrammetry, analog and analytic compilation instruments and their 
accessories, fields of use. 
- Usability of the instruments and instruments considered neces- 
sary depending où purposes of use and effeciencies. 

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