- Various ortho-photo instruments to be aidful in intentions of
ortho-map production with ortho-photo techniques, and a study on the
capacities and economical aspects of these instruments.
- Creation and use of simpler instruments with central projection,
which can be aidful in planimetric revision at areas of generally low
elevation differences and with less proportional changes in details, where
revision of 1/25.000 scale maps is carried out.
- Determination of the current precision status of the analog com-
pilation instruments of different ages with standard tests.
The results to be achieved by the Working Goups shall be issued
for the benefit of the foundations involved in photogrammetry and be inc-
luded as a summary in the national reports.
Within the period of past four years, research works aimed to app-
lication have been carried out by the universities and academies in Tur-
key in the subject of aerial triangulation, and the mapping establishments
have enlarged their fields of application with a wider appreciation of this
In general, aerial triangulation is used in the production of
1/5000 scale standard topographic cadastral maps. However, it is also used
in the revision of 1/25,000 series and in certain other aplications.
At the General Directorate of Mapping, measurements are made with
the use of zeiss PSK streo-comparators. Upon completion of the necessary
corrections to the picture coordinates, models are directed and attached
against each other. Then adjustment is done with an iterative method.
Generally strip adjustment is prefered but block adjustment with a strip
unit is also possible whenever it is wished so. Calculations are made at
an IBM 360/40 computer. This program is being adapted to a 512 K UNIVAC
At the General Directorate of Land Registeration and Cadastre, the
analog aerial triangulation method is used. Measurements are made with
use of a Wild A7, and an IBM 1620 computer is utilized for the computati-
ons carried out according to third order polynoms and the known strip
adjustment method. Planimetry and heights are seperately adjusted.
Within the period of 1972-1976, photogrammetric map production is
carried out as it is planned and changes are made in the methods deemed
necessary due to technological developments followed up.
Among the map production activities at different scales with
various purposes, it can be mentioned that a coverage of 205500 Km? of
1/5000 standard topographic map series is completed and the revision of
1/25.000 topographic series which started in 1969 is continued.
The subjects forseen to be completed in the following years can
be considered as; digitation in photogrammetry, automation in cartography,