Full text: National reports (Part 2)

In Turkey, Standart-Topographic-Cadastral maps in the scale of 
1/5000 has been accepted as the base-map for Turkish Devolopment Projects. 
It is known that more than half of the mapping expensesare spent for es- 
tablishing of the Ground Control Points. In order to reduce 
this great expense, it is necessary to use one of the aerial triangulati- 
on methods. 
The aim of this work is to prove which one of those, Analogue and 
Analytical Aerial Triangulation methods is more precise, more economic 
and faster, under Turkish conditions, : 
For this reason, a comparison has been done between Analogue and 
Analytical Aerial Triangulations, from the point of view of time, preci- 
sion and economy. For this purpose, two tests have been done, one for 
Analogue and for Analytical Strip Triangulation methods. In Analogue 
method, Wild A7 first order stereoplotting instrument has been used, for 
measuring model coordinates and Zarzycky graphical adjustment has been 
used for adjustment procedure, In Analytical method, Nistri Stereocompa- 
rator TA3/A has been used for measuring plate coordinates and in order to 
make polynominal adjustment of these coordinates, IBM-1620 Electronic 
Computer has been used, 
On the other hand, a"New Fidicual Marks" which have been designed 
by myself and realized by the WILD Company, has been used in this work. 
Through my contribution the measuring time spent in the Stereocomparator 
is decreased to a great extent and beside this, precision is increased. 
In conclusion, it has been seen that, Analytical Aerial Triangulation 
method is more precise, more economic and faster than the Analogue method 
under Turkish conditions. 
The most suitable Stereo-Plotters for photogrammetric line mapping 
in Turkey. Researcher:Dipl.Ing.Hayrettin GÜRBUZ 
In this research, the effects of the different designs and speci- 
fications of the instruments on the precision, cost and production time 
of the maps produced are examined taking into consideration the uses and 
fields of application of the streo-plotters providing exact solutions, 
In its conclusion, the optimum specifications required for streo-plotters 
to be used in photogrammetric line mapping in Turkey are determined. 
Department of Cartography and Cadastre: Adjustment of Analog Strip 
Triangulation Method with polynomials and a comparison with the geodetic 
Researcher: Dr.Abdullah PEKTEKIN 
In this research, precision is considered with use of 2 and 2nd 
order polynomials in analog strip adjustment, Distribution and number 
of geodetic points, strip length and the grade of the polynomial are 
studied and the results achieved are evaluated from the economical point 
of view and compared with full ground contrl methods. Calculations are 
carried out at the Burroughs B 3700 computer in the State Engineering 
and Architecture Academy of Istanbul 

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