Full text: National reports (Part 2)

There has been considerable development in the UK of all aspects of remote 
sensing since 1972. Two events of general interest were the compilation of 
a directory entitled "Remote Sensing of Earth Resources'' and the establishment 
in 1974 of the Remote Sensing Society. 
"Remote Sensing of Earth Resources' (84) was first published in 1972 by the 
Department of Trade and Industry (now Department of Industry) and was 
revised in 1974. The second edition lists UK groups and individuals engaged 
in remote sensing and reviews their activities in detail. Topics covered 
include agriculture, forestry, earth resources, soil survey, land use survey, 
geological structures and mineral resources, landforms, water resources, 
marine resources and ocean surveys, meteorology, environmental 
pollution and also interpretation techniques and sensor technology. Appendices 
give details of government departments and other sponsors of remote sensing 
activities, and outline existing facilities for education, training and research. 
A third edition of this directory will be ready for publication in 1976. 
The Remote Sensing Society is a new and active society which aims to promote 
knowledge of remote sensing and to provide a means for dissemination of 
information by means of meetings, conferences, publications and courses. 
The Society has held several one day meetings, some evening lectures, and 
a residential conference each year. It publishes a newsletter several times 
a year as well as the proceedings of its annual conference. 

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