Full text: National reports (Part 2)

Hunting Surveys Ltd 
Hydrographer of the Navy 
Ilford Ltd 
Institute of Hydrology 
Institute of Oceanographic 
Kodak Ltd 
Longdin & Browning 
Meat Research Institute 
Meridan Airmaps Ltd 
Moorfields Eye Hospital 
National Physical Laboratory, 
Division of Mechanical & 
Optical Metrology 
Ordnance Survey 
Ordnance Survey of 
Northern Ireland 
Photarc Surveys Ltd 
Photogrammetric Society 
Potato Marketing Board 
Property Services Agency, 
Directorate of Civil Engineering 
Remote Sensing Society 
Royal Aircraft Establishment: 
Instrumentation & Ranges 
Flight Systems Department 
Royal Commission on 
Historical Monuments (England), 
National Monuments Record, 
Air Photographs Unit 
Transport & Road Research 
6 Elstree Way 
Boreham Wood 
Herts WD6 1SB 
Taunton Somerset TA1 2DN 
Basildon Essex SS14 3ET 
Powys SY19 7DB Wales 
Taunton Somerset TAl 2DW 
Kodak House 
Station Road 
Hemel Hempstead 
Herts HPI1 1JU 
75/77 High Street 
Marlow Bucks SL7 1AB 
Langford Bristol BS18 7DY 
Marlborough Road 
Lancing Sussex BN15 8TT 
High Holborn 
London WC1V 7AN 
Middlesex TW11 OLW 
Romsey Road 
Southampton SO9 4DH 
Ladas Drive 
Belfast BT6 9FJ 
12A North Street 
West Yorkshire LS22 4NN 
c/o Carl Zeiss (Oberkochen) Ltd 
31-36 Foley Street 
London W1P 8AP 
50 Hans Crescent 
London SW1X ONB 
Lunar House 
40 Wellesley Road 
Croydon CR9 2EL 
c/o Department of Geography 
University of Reading 
Reading Berks RG6 2AM 
Farnborough Hants GU14 6TD 
Fortress House 
23 Savile Row 
London W1X 1AB 
Crowthorne Berks RGIl11 6AU 
01-953 6161 
Taunton $7900 
Ext 323/241/419 
Basildon 27744 
Trefeglwys 652 
Taunton 86211 
Hemel Hempstead 
61122 Ext 48 
Marlow 6888 
Churchill 661 
Lancing 2992 
01-836 6611 
01-977 3222 
Southampton 775555 
Ext 520 
Belfast 58225 
Wetherby 4936 
01-636 8050 
01-589 4874 
01-686 3499 
Ext 3532 
Reading 85123 
Farnborough (Hants) 
24461 Ext 3017 
Ext 2515 
01-734 6010 
Crowthorne 3131 
Ext 2736 
P G Mott 
B W Burton 
D A Harrington 
J A Hudson 
E T Moore 
J H Fraser 
W S Longdin 
B S Speight 
I G Matthews 
T J ffytche 
J M Burch 
JW C Gates 
Air Survey Branch 
F McGrath 
G A Stoker 
Hon Secretary M Hart 
R J Dadson 
A G Hurrell 
Hon Gen Secretary 
Dr J R G Townshend 
G R Cooper 
Dr E J Lovesey 
J W Hampton 
W Heath 

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