Full text: National reports (Part 2)

Department of Geology 
Department of Mining & Mineral 
University of London: 
University College London: 
Department of Photogrammetry 
and Surveying 
Department of Anatomy & 
University of Manchester 
Institute of Science & Technology, 
Department of Civil & Structural 
University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 
Department of Surveying 
North East London Polytechnic, 
Department of Land Surveying 
University of Nottingham, 
Department of Civil Engineering 
University of Oxford, 
Department of Surveying & Geodesy 
ortsmouth Polytechnic: 
Department of Civil Engineering 
Department of Geography 
Queen's University of Belfast: 
Department of Civil Engineering 
Department of Geography 
Royal Military College of Science, 
Structures Branch 
University of Salford 
Department of Civil Engineering 
School of Military Survey 
University of Sheffield: 
Department of Civil & Structural 
Department of Dental Health 
University of Surrey, 
Department of Civil Engineering 
University College of Swansea, 
Department of Geography 
Welsh National School of Medicine, 
Dental School, 
Department of Orthodontics 
University of York, 
Institute of Advanced 
Architectural Studies, 
Photogrammetric Unit 
Royal School of Mines 
Prince Consort Road 
London SW7 2BP 
Gower Street 
London WCIE 6BT 
PO Box 88 
Sackville Street 
Manchester M60 1QD 
Daysh Building 
Newcastle upon Tyne 
NEl 7RU 
Forest Road 
London E17 4JB 
University Park 
Nottingham NG7 2RD 
52 Banbury Road 
Oxford OX2 6PN 
Burnaby Road Portsmouth 
Lion Terrace 
Portsmouth PO1 3HE 
David Keir Building 
Stranmillis Road 
Belfast 9 Northern Ireland 
Belfast BT7 INN 
Northern Ireland 
Shrivenham Swindon 
Wilts SN6 8LA 
Salford M5 4WT 
Hermitage Newbury 
Berks RG16 9TP 
The University 
Mappin Street 
Sheffield S1 3JD 
School of Clinical Dentistry 
Sheffield S10 2SZ 
Guildford Surrey GU2 5XH 
Singleton Park Swansea 
Glam SA2 8PP 
Heath Cardiff CF4 4XY 
The King's Manor 
Exhibition Square 
York YOl 2EP 
01-589 5111 
01-589 5111 
01-387 7050 
061-236 3311 
Ext 2445 
Newcastle upon Tyne 
28511 Ext 2446 
01-527 2272 
Nottingham 56101 
Oxford 57816 
Portsmouth 27681 
Belfast 45133 
Shrivenham 782551 
Ext 265 
061-736 5843 
Hermitage 200 371 
Sheffield 78555 
Sheffield 663251 
Guildford 71281 
Swansea 25678 
Cardiff 755944 
Ext 2447 
York 24919 
G R Davis 
R N Pryor 
K B Atkinson 
A Boyde 
A H A El-Beik 
I Newton 
J R Hollwey 
R Wood 
J G Olliver 
J R Smith 
M G Coulson 
J C Mcliwrath 
R W Tomlinson 
D T F Munsey 
A Bannister 
W K Kilford 
Professor P H Burke 
D Murchison 
D H Maling 
Professor N R E Robertson 
R W A Dallas 

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