Full text: National reports (Part 2)

Lawrence P. Jacobs 
Executive Director 
In the period since the 1972 ISP Congress in Ottawa, the American 
Society of Photogrammetry has grown both in numbers and scope of 
interest. In addition to the national activities, all of the 
seventeen geographical regions of the Society have conducted 
programs at the local level. 
During this period, certain professional and technical areas have 
been the subject of special emphasis. These include a program for 
the certification of photogrammetrists, the interrelationship of 
remote sensing with conventional photogrammetry, the development 
of orthophotographie techniques, new applications of close-range 
and computational photogrammetry, and the role of photogrammetry 
and related fields in the development of modern land data systems. 
Trends in the various categories of Society membership are reflected 
in the following statistics: 
Category 1971 1975 
Regular Members 5202 5875 
Student Members: 619 739 
Emeritus (Life) Members 99 113 
Honorary Members 19 21 
Total Individual Membership 5939 6748 
Sustaining (Corporate ) Members 8h 122 
As a result of the steady increase in regular and sustaining members, 
and widespread interest in the Society's publications, it has been 
possible to maintain a satisfactory financial position without increas- 
ing membership dues. 
Approximately 1000 individual members are from countries other than 
the United States. 
The structure of three technical divisions, which replaced a large 
number of separate committees, has continued to function effectively. 
Reflecting involvement in new techniques and applications, the current 
organization of the divisions is as follows: 
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