The total monthly distribution of the Society's journal Photogrammetric
Engineering and Remote Sensing is approximately 9,000 copies. In
additional to all individual and corporate members, approximately
1800 persons and institutions now subscribe to the journal.
Culminating several years of preparation, a new two-volume Manual
of Remote Sensing was completed in December 1975. The two volumes
of the new manual contain the contributions of more than 200
eminently qualified persons, and is believed to be the first compre-
hensive treatment of both the theory and application of remote sensing.
Work has been started on a Fourth Fdition of the Manual of Photo-
grammetry. The latest edition will emphasize recent developments
and will bring up to date all major categories of theory, instru-
mentation, procedures, and applications associated with photogrammetry
and related fields.
Information about Society affairs and publications may be obtained
from the:
American Society of Photogrammetry
105 North Virginia Avenue
Falls Church, Virginia 22046