Full text: National reports (Part 2)

Wenderoth, S. G. and Yost, E. F., 1972, Multispectral photography for 
Earth resources:  Greenvale, N.Y., Long Island Univ., C. W. Post 
Center, 26h p. 
Wilkes, Q. L., ed., 1975, Weather and climate: measurement and 
analysis in Reeves, R. G., ed.-in-ch., Manual of remote sensing: 
Falls Chureh, VA, Am. Soc. Pnotogramm., ch. 21, p..1623-1713. 
Wobber, F. J., and Martin, Kenneth, 1972, Utilizing snow cover for 
accentuating geological fracture systems: a new photogeological 
technique: World Mining, v. 25, November, p. 55 and 89. 

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