Full text: National reports (Part 2)

transformation of the data and is a particular advantage to sensing 
vegetation (Colvocoresses 1975b). The spectral band 1.55 to 1.75 um 
may be important for cartographic applications in that it appears to 
provide a better overall monochromatic response of Earth surface 
features than can be obtained in the visible wavebands. Water 
penetration capabilities of the short wavelength band 3 (0.52 to 
0.56 um) are reported by Polcyn et al. (1974), as superior to the 
Landsat band 4 (0.5 to 0.6 um). 
As a result of the experience with Landsat and Skylab and previous 
study of Apollo and Gemini photographs, a dedicated unmanned space- 
craft in near-polar orbit with a near-orthographic field-of-view 
has been generally agreed to be the most effective means of acquiring 
repetitive Earth coverage for cartographic and related applications. 
Direct application of the image as a cartographic base rather than 
transforming it to conventional line-map symbology appears to be an 
effective use of such space sensor records. Mott (1975), as a result 
of his Skylab investigations, also established a good case for covering 
the unmapped areas of the world with photographs from space with 
resolution comparable to that obtained with the S-190B experiment. 
Such photographs could be obtained with mapping cameras of 305 mm 
focal length carried at a nominal altitude of about 200 km. 
1. Batson, R.M., Edwards, Kathleen, and Eliason, E.M., 1975, Synthetic 
Stereo and Landsat Pictures, Proceedings of the American Society of 
Photogrammetry Fall Convention, Phoenix, Arizona, 1975. 
2. Bender, Lee V., 1970, An Algorithm for Gridding Satellite Photographs, 
Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, Report of the Department of 
Geodetic Science, No. 135, p. 157. 
3. Bernstein, Ralph, 1975, IBM, A11 Digital Precision Processing of 
ERTS Image, Final Report to NASA, April 1975. 
4. Colvocoresses, Alden P., 1973, Unique Characteristics of ERTS, 
Symposium on Significant Results Obtained from ERTS-1, NASA SP-327, 
v. I, Technical Presentations, Sec. B, p. 1523-25. 
5. , 1974, Space Oblique Mercator, A New Map 
Projection of the Earth, Photogrammetric Engineering, v. 40, n. 8, 
p. 921-26, August 1974. 
6. , 1975a, Evaluation of the Cartographic 
Application of ERTS-1 Imagery, The American Cartographer, v. 2, 
n. 1}, p. 5-18, 1975. 

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