Full text: National reports (Part 2)

Bay, C. A., Bright, C. R., and Kerr, D. W., 1975, Interactive Radar 
Image Processing and Interpretation System: Proceedings of the 
Annual leeting of ASP, p. 613. 
Cartwright, V. W., 1974, Automation in the Photographic Laboratory: 
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of ASP, P. 461. 
Colvocoresses, A. P., 1974, Unique Cartographic Characteristics of ERTS: 
Journal of Research of the U. S. Geological Survey, v. 2, no. 6., p.. 763. 
Corbett, F. J., 1973, Terrain Recognition in ERTS-1 Imagery by Diffraction 
Pattern Analysis: Proceedings of the Fall Convention of ASP, D. 431. 
Crawford, W. L., and Guess, R. R., 1974, Numerical Ground Image System: 
Texas Highway Dept., Report no. 186-2F. 
Dickson, R. A., 1974, Low-Cost Analytical Aerotriangulation for 
Rectification of Aerial Photographs: Proceedings of the Annual Meeting 
of ASP, p. 252. 
Dixon, D. G., 1974, The DMAHC Automated Cartographic System: 
Proceedings of the Fall Convention of ACSM, p. 33. 
Gambino, L. A., and Cronbie, M. A., 1974, Digital Mapping and Digital 
Image Processing: Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of ASP, p. 99. 
Greve, C. W., and Cooney, W. A., 1974, The Digital Rectification of Side 
Looking Radar: Proceedings of the Fall Convention of ASP, p. 19. 
Hall, D., 1974, Digital Cartographic Compilation: Proceedings of the 
Annual Meeting of ACSM, p. 248. 
Hoffer, R. M., Anuta, P. E., and Phillips, T. L., 1972, ADP, Multiband, 
and Multiemulsion Digital Photos: Photogrammetric Engineering, no. 10, 
p. 989. 
Howell, T. F., 1974, Automated Mapping System Implementation: 
Photogrammetric Engineering, no. 12, p. 1435. 
Hsu, S-Y., 1975, Automated Pattern Recognition with Thermal IR Imagery: 
Photogrammetric Engineering, no. 5, p. 647. 
Junkins, J. L., and Jancaitis, J. R., 1974, Piecewise Continuous Surfaces: 
A Flexible Basis for Digital Mapping: Proceedings of the Fall Convention 
of ASP, p. |. 
Lillestrand, R. L., and Hoyt, R. R., 1974, The Design of Advanced Digital 
Image Processing Systems:  Photogrammetric Engineering, no. 10, p. 1201. 

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