Full text: National reports (Part 2)

system to measure tooth displacement and stress-strain distributions 
in the periodontal ligament caused by point loadings applied to the 
teeth [Bowley et al 1974]. Research on the design and fabrication 
of prosthetic leaflet heart valves, conducted jointly by Washington 
University and the University of Illinois, used photogrammetry 
to provide the geometry on the basis of which stress analyses of 
the normal human aortic valve were conducted. This interdisciplinary 
project involved also basic studies in anatomy and biomaterials 
[Clark et al, 1974]. 
In engineering applications, there was a renewed interest in the 
use of photogrammetric methods for measuring and monitoring structural 
deformation [Erlandson & Veress, 1975a,b]. 
In the field of industrial applications, pilot studies of potential 
cost effective applications of photogrammetry within the shipbuilding 
industry have been conducted by J.F. Kenefick [1975] in conjunction 
with the National Shipbuilding Research Program. Among the tasks for 
which photogrammetric solutions have been demonstrated are: dimensioning 
of full sections of ships, dimensioning of transverse sections of hulls, 
compilation of piping drawings, and determination of "out of roundness" 
deviations of cylinders. 
Abbreviations used: 
Bio '74: Proceedings of the Biostereometrics Symposium, American 
Society of Photogrammetry, 1974 
CRPS : Proceedings of the Symposium on Close-Range Photogrammetric 
Systems, American Society of Photogrammetry, 1975 
PE : Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, American 
Society of Photogrammetry 
Abdel-Aziz, Y.I. and Karara, H.M., 1971. "Direct Linear Transformation 
from Comparator Coordinates into Object-Space Coordinates 
in Close-Range Photogrammetry," CRPS 
Abdel-Aziz, Y.I. and Karara, H.M., 1974. "Photogrammetric Potentials 
of Non-Metric Cameras," Civil Engineering Studies, 
Photogrammetry Series, No. 36, UI 
Altschuler, B.R.; Perry, R.M.; Altschuler, M.D., "Three-Dimensional 
Multiangular Laminagraphy by Computer," Bio '74 

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