2. Comparative mapping of Deception Island, Antarctica was
done in order to study topographic changes due to volcanic eruptions
in 1967, 1969. and 1970.
3. A systems approach to calibration of the total aerial
photogrammetric system rather than individual components is being
pursued through research efforts (Merchant 1974).
4. Research has been performed on calibration and mathematical
modelling of the Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) (Ghosh 1976), and
panoramic camera systems.
S. A multi-dimensional (X,Y,Z plus other dimensions like time,
type of point, color, etc.) mapping procedure is being developed
through research efforts. This involves a thorough study of the
various interpolation methods, the development of an acceptable
optimization technique (in view of the accuracy requirement, frequency
of points, nature of terrain, etc.) and adaptation of the data to the
computer and automated plotters.
Educational Programs
1. An under-graduate program for B.Sc. degree in Surveying has
developed with encouraging enrollment under the auspices of the OSU
departments of Civil Engineering and Geodetic Science.
2. A new graduate level course "Non-conventional Photogrammetry"
is being offered. Developed in 1973, this course involyes the geometry
and quantitative aspects in systems like Strip Photography, Panoramic
Photography, Ranger and Lunar Orbiter Photography, Landsat, Mariner,
Electron Microscopy, Holography, etc.
3. Courses in Photogrammetry and Remote-sensing are offered
in various disciplines as follows during an academic year:
In Architecture....... «ee 5 Quarter Hours, repeatable.
In Civil Engineering........ 16 Quarter Hours per year
In Geodetic Science.........58 Quarter Hours per year
l. The second edition of book, THEORY OF STEREOPHOTOGRAMMETRY,
authored by Sanjib K. Ghosh was published by Edwards Brothers,
Ann Arbor, Mich. in 1972.
2. A book, PHOTOTRIANGULATION, authored by Sanjib K. Ghosh
was published by Lexington Books, Lexington, Mass. in 1975.