Full text: National reports (Part 2)

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Jerry W. Robinson 
An analytical triangulation simultaneous bundle adjustment system 
has been developed consisting of H. D. Foster comparator, Wild PUG 4, 
CDC 370 batch terminal interfaced to CDC 6600 computer, and software 
prepared by Dr. Donald Groff of Engineering Computer Services. The 
system is capable of adjusting in excess of 2000 photos in one block. 
It has been applied in practice to an adjustment of 751 frames for 
the purpose of planimetric mapping from 1:24,000 scale photographs. 
A single iteration of the 15404 observation equations required 2081 
system seconds on the CDC 6600 computer. The RMS ground misclosure 
was 1.5 feet in X and Y, and 3.0 feet in elevation; the RMS photo 
coordinate residual was 8.7 yum. 
The Georgia Coordinate Mapping Program consisted of photogram- 
metric mapping of approximately 175 square miles of the greater Atlanta 
area; preparation of orthophoto maps at 1:1200; digitizing of the 
planimetry from the orthophoto maps; generation of a computer data 
base of the digitized information; plotting of planimetric maps at 
1:1200 and 1:12000; digitizing of the centroids of buildings and 
road intersections. The project was performed for a group of 5 clients, 
including the power company, telephone company, gas company, City of 
Atlanta, and the State of Georgia, Department of Transportation. Each 
participant selected and received various mapping products. 
Ruth D. Miller 
Significant developments of camera systems include the following: 
1. Lunar Mapping Camera 
The Lunar Mapping Camera Subsystem consists of two precisely 
interlocked frame cameras designed to operate synchronously, one 
providing metric photography while the other supplies simultaneous time- 
correlated stellar photography for post-flight camera system attitude 
determinations. A laser altimeter provides altitude information 
coincident with the center of exposure, which is recorded on each frame 
of terrain photography. The interlock angle between metric and stellar 
cameras is 969. The camera system was carried on Apollo missions 
15, 16, and 17. Each mission exposed approximately 3600 frames, each 
of which covered 160 X 160 km with a resolution of about 24m from the 
nominal altitude of 110 km. 
2. KA-92 Camera System 
The KA-92 is a rotating optical barrel camera designed to 
provide high-resolution horizon-to-horizon panoramic photography over 
the present and future range of military aircraft flight envelopes. 

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