Full text: National reports (Part 2)

5. Dual Focal Length Split Scan Camera 
A detailed design has been completed for a dual focal length 
panoramic camera which can be configured into a wide variety of air- 
craft installation constraints on compartment size, shape, and 
window location. The use of continuous film motion and the incorporation 
of a modular building block concept permits the major components to be 
rearranged to fit into any reasonable aircraft compartment. The cur- 
rent design uses 70 mm film with focal lengths of 38 mm and 127 mm 
and provides essentially emulsion limited image quality at a relative 
aperture of f/2.8. An important feature is the dual-focal length lens, 
based on a novel concept which can broadly be described as the reciprocal 
imaging of an object, which in this case, is the virtual image of the 
ground. The lens is close to telecentric providing excellent illumi- 
nation characteristics, while the distortion has still been held to a 
negligible amount. 
6. Extreme telephoto lens 
A 61 cm focal length f/4.5 lens has been developed and produced 
by Fairchild Space and Defense Systems which provides, in an extreme 
telephoto form, image quality comparable to the more traditional designs 
of similar complexity. The lens has been mounted for use in a split 
scan camera with a two mirror fold. The first mirror splits the front 
positive group and the second mirror is behind the negative group re- 
flecting the image on the slit. The overall length of the folded lens 
is approximately 40 cm. The lens covers a 12-degree field with no 
vignetting. The distortion is less than 0.05 percent and the chromatic 
correction is suitable for color film. 
Jerry D. Lent 
The VP-8 Image Analyzer is widely used to provide density slice 
and isometric views of terrain data. In early 1974, ISI completed the 
design of a second stage configuration, designated SYSTEM 150, to 
provide real-time interactive multiple image analysis capabilities. 
The approach necessitated the development of a sophisticated analog 
storage system. 
In August of 1975, ISI announced a new digital product line designed 
to suit a wide variety of applications in computer graphics. The line 
currently includes the Video/DMA Interface Unit (VDI), a unique, low- 
cost, highly interactive computer graphics peripheral which produces 
dynamic color, monochrome, and pseudo 3-D images from random access 
memory. The VDI is available as a peripheral for several popular 
minicomputers. It can utilize either CPU main memory and/or its own 
self-contained memory for image storage. Two VDI-based systems have 
been announced: the System for Analysis and Display (SAND), a powerful 
image processing system, and the Spatial Interactive Graphics Terminal 
(SIGHT), an intelligent terminal suited for a large class of display 
requirements. SAND systems include a minicomputer, conventional 

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