Full text: National reports (Part 2)

The development of photogrammetry in the People’s 
Republic of Bulgaria during the period between the xr1th 
and XIII* 
Congresses of the International Society of Fho- 
togrammetry is marked by the large application of photograms 
metric methods in the various fields of the people'economy. 
The requirements towards theoretical work have also been 
The photogrammetric activity is represented by the 
Central Administration of the Union of Bulgarian Geodesists. 
The seven Commissions for the corresponding headings in pho- 
togrammetry, as they were named at the last Congress in 
Ottawa, also belong to that section. It is accepted that 
the fundamental problems and activities of the Commissions 
should be reported and discussed at the general plenary 
meeting of the section. The section organizes national and 
international conferences on certain photogrammetric themes 
which are held by the Union of the Bulgarian Geodesists. 
In the period from 1972 to 1976 there were held three na- 
tional conferences for photogrammetry with the participation 
of foreigners. The first conference which was held in 1972 
was on the subject of the application of photogrammetry in 
non-topographic purposes; the second took place in 1974 and 
it was on the automation of &eodesy, photogrammetry and 
cartography; and the last one was in 1975 and it was on 
the subject of "Contemporary Froblems in Fhotogrammetry". 
The Section for Photogrammetry when there are demands, also 
solves a number of problems with practical application of 

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