- D
photogrammetry; it gives assistance in production etc.
Presicent of the Section is Prof.Eng.Iv.Haidushki and Secre-
tary is the chief assistand Eng.Sl.Gaitandjiev. Reporters of
the respective commissions are:
Commission I Eng.Candidate of the technical
science G.Ghenov
Commission II - Eng.Sl.Gaitandjiev, chief assistant
Commission III - senior/research associate Eng.P.Zafirov
Commission IV - Eng. Iv.Katsarski
Commission V - Senior research associate Eng.E.Shmidek
Commission VI - Prof.Eng. Iv.Haidushki
Commission VII - chief assistant Eng. Iv.Ivanov
The future tendencies in the development of photogrammet -
ry are directed towards the various uses of analytical photo-
grammetry and digital modes, offering possibilities for a tho-
rough application of computer techniques and automation in
the working processes in nontopological photogrammetry and
The expedient research accomplished in accordance with
the photogrammetric methods helps a great deal the upswing
of socialist construction.
The effect and economy in the multi media cartographic
activity in this country at present and in future will be
found in the speed and high degree of photogrammetric mecha-
nization and automation.
Commission I
Aerial Photography and Navigation
In the People’s Republic of Bulgaria photogrammetry
occupies an important place among the methods of working
out maps and plans. Photogrammetry plays an important part