Full text: National reports (Part 2)

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quite firmly on account of its great possibilities, merits 
and variagated use in comparison to all other methods. 
Photogrammetry finds its chief application in the proces- 
sing of topographic maps and plans. Analogue stereplotting 
apparatus of the type stereoplangraph C8, stereoplangraph C5, 
stereometrograph, topograph-B as well as autograph AT, auto- 
graph A5, autograph A6 are used in drawing the map originals. 
Tnese apparatus belong to the State Topographic Geodetic 
institute and they plot and yevise topographic maps and plans 
The Chief Office on Geodesy and Cartography manages the coor- 
dination of that activity. The jntensification of a part of 
the necessary support points in stereoplotting of a pair of 
airphotos is performed by means of first class analogue appa- 
ratus mainly in strip as well as in alanogue black air aerotri- 
angulation. Together with the adjusting of the analog stereo- 
plotting apparatus a verification of the accuracy is performed 
in accordance with the models of graph plotted plates called 
"Girt models" of 9 and 15 points, suggested by the "Karl Zeiss 
Jena" plants for accuracy control in their analogue apparatus. 
An automatic stereocomparator "steremeter" is used for the 
needs of analytic photogrammetry in measuring air and ground 
photogrammetric photos. By means of that stereometer two of 
the largest topographic-geodetic institutes make use of analy- 
tic photogrammetry in working out topographic maps and plans. 
By the use of a stocometer three institutes carry out research 
work and implant the methods of analytic photogrammetry. 
A number of research and scientific institutes, offices 
and schools throughout the country avail themselves of the ste- 
reocomparators "Steco- 18x18" of Karl Zeiss Jena when measu- 
ring air and ground photos for the purpose of topographic 

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