Full text: Reports and invited papers (Part 3)

at each exposure station — with the extremely high accuracy of 
approximately 2' ... 4' (minutes of arc) which is the same order of 
accuracy obtained in highest precision photogrammetric instruments. 
6 References 
6.0 Boie, D.C. Untersuchungen zur Doppler-Navigation und 
1970 Ortung von geophysikalischen und photo- 
grammetrischen Messflügen, 
Dissertation, Hannover, 1970 
6.1 Boivin, S.T. de Camp. Operational aspects of inertial guidance in the 
1975 1975 province of Quebec Spruce Budworm 
control programme 
5th International Agricultural Aviation Congress 
1975, Kenilworth, Warwickshire, England 
6.2. Corten, F.LIH. Performance and cost of flight functions 
1968 ISP Congress, Lausana 1968 
63 Corten, F.1L.J.H. The aerial photographic package 
1973 ITC Journal 1973-3 
64 Corten, F.L.J.H. An integrated photographic survey flight system, 
1974 Symposium of Commission I of the ISP, 
Stockholm, ITC Publication 1974 
6.5  Corten, F-L.1.H. The ITC PHOTNAV system, 
and Heimes, F.-J. International Congress, ISP, Helsinki 1976 
6.6 Corten, F.L.].H. Economy in aerial survey by means of the ITC 
1976 PHOTNAV system, 
International Congress, ISP, Helsinki 1976 
6.7 DiCarlo, C. and Mapping and survey system Geodetic AN/USQ-28, 
Eakin, G. ISP Congress, 1964 
6.8  Fokker-VFW int. Fokker VFW Friendship aerial survey system 
6.9 Heimes, F.-J. and Aerial survey by means of an Inertial 
Delafkaran, G.H. Navigation System 
1974 ITC Publication, 1974 
6.10 Heimes, F.-J. In-Flight calibration of a survey aircraft system 
1972 Twelfth Congress ISP, Ottawa, 1972 

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