Symposium on orthophoto of St. Paulo (Brazil) was sponsored both by Commission II
and Commission IV. The Symposium, wonderfully organized by the Brazilian Society of
Carthography,gathered numerous experts from very many countries and went on for three
days. Everyday - as an average - six lectures were held also with the contribution
of Brazilian experts. Instrumental topics pertaining therefore to Commission II we
re dealt with in the first of the three days of the Symposium.
At the Helsinky conference a session is on schedule, devoted to the activity of the
Work Group II, 4
The fifth resolution refers to the recommendation addressed to the manufacturers of
photogrammetric instruments to build mutually consistent photogrammetric instrument
components. This will require standardization particularly as regards sizes and the
units needed tomake interfaces. The resolution recommended also to establish a work
group to this purpose, mentioning in particular the International Association of E-
lectronic Engineers with a view to standardizing magnetic tape writing and reading
features, which are an essential part of digit plotting equipment. The management
of the second Commission has taken a few steps to set up the work group, both by
means of circular letters,and trying to make the people concerned get in touch with
one another. It must be pointed out, however, that such attempts have not been suc
cessful up.
The matter is rather delicate, as the competition existing among instrument manufac
turers must be taken into account; said competition prevents designs of future deve
lopments from being disclosed in advance, instruments from being studied in detail,
exclusive patents from being used, etc.
The sixth resolution refers to an area which is more precisely the concern of the
first Commission, but itmerely states that the 2nd Commission must favour research
in the field of processing of data referring to images, and in particular research
on precision of laying, elimination of parallaxes, ways to perform scanning and te
lemeter images. The importance that these matters bear on the construction of in-
struments is obvious, as it is obvious that all those who cooperate in the activi-
ty of the 2nd Commission will naturally and immediately support said research.
Even if the International Society of Photogrammetry is divided into Commissions, no
separate compartments exist in the minds of photogrammeters, and even though within
each Commission specific aspects of photogrammetry are being discussed and furthe-
red, this science is basically one.
The Commission II, through epistolary contacts with the President of I.S.P., Mr.
Gamble, the President of Commission IV, Mr. Ducher, the various experts not belonging
to the W.G. (Working Groups) has organized the seven sessions reserved to Commis- e
sion II at the Helsinki Congress.
The results of this work are evidenced by the Congress program.