<4 -
plotting tables, CRT interactive displays, etc., can be readily
obtained from manufacturers of computer and computer graphics devices,
and incorporated into the system according to the particular needs
arising from the desired performance of the system.
Theoretically all the potentials for the development of
various methods and techniques are inherent in the basic design
principle of analytical instruments. In practice the capabilities vary
considerably with the properties of specific hardware components and
basic software. Thus a review of the more significant characteristics
of the hardware and the software of the new generation of analytical
instruments will facilitate the analysis of their capabilities. Since
an overall review of improvements and refinements will suffice for this
purpose, a detailed description of any specific instrument is not neces- e
sary. Naturally, all the features discussed are not necessarily
included in every make or version of these instruments.
2.1. Computers, Software Operating Systems and Peripherals
The characteristics of dedicated computers and their software
operating systems are by far the most important indicators of the capa-
city and the capability of an analytical instrument. This is the logi-
cal consequence of the definition of an analytical instrument that can
be restated as follows: an analytical instrument is a general purpose
digital computer that has an input-output peripheral for addressing a
pair of photographs. The main drawbacks found in older types of
analytical instruments were the low speed of the dedicated computers,
the small capacity of their memory and the limitations related to the
use of their external memory files. To alleviate the difficulties
arising from these deficiencies when trying to meet the requirements
for high frequency responses in real time operations, incremental
computers were used in some instances as a support to the whole number
computers [3]. Also, to minimize the disadvantages of inadequate soft-
ware support and insufficient memory, two approaches were used, not so
long ago, for handling of larger off-line programs. One was the incor-
poration of analytical instruments into the time-sharing environment of
a larger computer [4], and the other was the use of a magnetic tape
unit for storage of programs that were partitioned in separately execu-
table segments fitting the available memory [5]. But the most signifi-
cant shortcoming was the necessity to write all the programs in machine
language. The latter was the main reason for the relatively insignifi-
cant use of analytical instruments in many photogrammetric disciplines,
d spite the fact that the potential advantages were quite well recog-
The hardware and software characteristics of a number of
present-day mini-computers virtually eliminated all these problems.
Not only off-line programs but also the real-time programs may be
almost exclusively written in higher languages. The only part of the
real-time programs that normally cannot be handled by higher languages
are the input-output instructions for the registers of the interface.
But these commands once written as macro-commands can be used in con-
junction with any real-time program, since the handling of values that
are introduced into or read from these registers is always the same,